The Tri-Wizard Tournament is a chance for young witches and wizards from different cultures to meet and learn from each other! Well, er, different [i]European[/i] cultures. And, uh, only three of them. Except that we know there are wizards all over the world, so imagine another tournament, seeking to unite all of the wizarding world(or, more than just three schools in one continent, at least). Obviously the name will change, but that will depend on how many schools we actually end up representing. We might be a Pentawizard Tournament, or even a Decawizard Tournament! In any event, the concept for this RP is a modern tournament amongst the world's wizarding schools. There will be more of an element of collaborative story telling, rather than a straight up GM-Player relationship. Each player will represent a school. Obviously Hogwarts, Durmstrang and Beaubatons will all represent(I hope people don't consider them to be too boring...), but we could also have a school from America(not necessarily Ilvermorny) or somewhere in Asia. A Japanese school? Indian? Tibetan? What about South America, or Africa? Are there wizards in Antarctica?! It all depends on what people want to see/create. So there's the concept. Some of us will be using established canon schools, and others will be making them up. I trust everyone will have enough of a feel for the world to make them mesh well together. We'll have new tasks that will depend greatly on player creativity to find solutions for(and this will almost definitely involve inventing areas of magic not touched on in canon). I'll likely have at least [i]some[/i] kind of ranking or stat block for character skills. The most basic would just be ranking the classic subjects by your character's skill level. If people are into it, I love using actual stat and dice systems, but I know that's not always the popular way to go, so just saying what we're good and bad at might be the most of it. What do people think? Have some of you, perhaps, already considered exactly what wizarding cultures are like in other areas of the world that we never see?