Blinding Radiance gleamed from the gathering of swords, intense light growing so bright it would’ve been nearly impossible to see through its luminescence. Nearly impossible, for anyone that was not Mitsu that is. His eyes, with their enhanced perceptions and design, had been modified exclusively to allow Mazono the ability to focus tasks usually denoted to his visual cortex to other areas of the visual spectrum; this came in handy over the years for someone used to firing large flashes of electricity from his face and body or crafting arc flashes before his very eyes without blinding himself. Luckily for this, his attacks considered as they had originally been intended to, having no need to cease or hinder his activities even for a second. A mere second after the flash of light occurred, Mazono caught sight of movement – the figure behind the swords was beginning his ascension, which to the man in white might as well of been happening in slow motion. Shifting his wrists ever so slightly to lead the target, another crack filled the air nearly instantly behind the first set of rounds as the trick-shot feature of his twin Ratifiers came to light. As the man leapt up with powerful force, two rounds would accelerate in the direction of their target, the slight lead of the shots were set to match the momentum of the others movement, to allow his own leap to carry him into the vertbrinium bullets themselves and in turn kill him. There was zero lag time or need for a trigger pull, the weapons design being thanked for this. A second after his attacks, if the man with blue hair was so inclined, blades were launched at his direction – each potent weapon aimed directly at his person. Iron sand billowed forth to the front of the thirty-foot field of defense creating a wall of moving sand. As the swords came within reach, the synthetic iron sand would take each object into itself as it moved with them, creating the opening required for Mazono to continue watching the outcome of the situation below. The consistent buffeting of iron sand against the swords would cause an effect not unlike the sandbags at a shooting-rang, each weapon finding its momentum slowing before its entire kinetic force would be dispelled and the weapons speed and force diminished to nothingness. Each sword would never make it past the twenty-five-foot mark before being reduced in speed so much that they’d be stuck within the mass of moving black particulates. Narrow serpent eyes continuing to glow gold as the enhanced perception intensified further. He kept his senses about him, the sounds of twisting leather long since ending. His body was ready to move at a moment’s notice, the kinetic force being stored within his muscles causing his legs to bulge out more than normal. Veins – beneath the undersuit – were bulging outward in a painful way. If Mitsu felt any of it however, his face did not betray him. It seemed the one with blue hair, Dias Blade, stayed true to his last name – the use of swords more a comical thing. Still, Mitsu had to admit he was a bit impressed. Not everyone had the power to throw a building, let alone attempt such thought out maneuvers. Pity, he’d been told to kill him…he’d have loved to get to know this man. Watching as everything would unfold, Mitsu would once more hum with energy build up as his hands – each holding a firearm (as well as the Zeus cannon on each wrist), continued to track the man before him ready to fire at a moment’s notice.