[color=1a7b30]"I wasn't going to say anything..."[/color] Dashade started dryly, waiting for the first move to be made, planning on pushing forward after the first reaction. [color=1a7b30]"But you do share a shocking resemblance with these creatures. Try gnashing your teeth together, they might accept you as their own"[/color] His eye went away from the odd one out to his followers, coming to the conclusion that the stray minions were probably the best to take down first. The odd one taking a step back and letting the others charge in, it was a decent tactic, decrease the area of movement for your opponent and force them to bump to either danger. But when you only had six guys and the opponents have flight capability, the area leaves plenty of gaps. [color=1a7b30]"Drive, you puny buggers. Drive!"[/color] The warrior went upwards to avoid the blast, with two insects instantly on his tail, flanking either side of him. Quick observation noted their sharp nature, one charging in to try and keep Dashade in place while the other came for the killing slice. To try and keep hold of Dashade, his attempted captor sunk it's teeth into his back and spread it's mandibles around him. Dashade had to admit, let these things get close and they had quite the grip. Instead of attempting to pry the creature off of him, Dashade decided to endure the small pain for the sake of another opportunity. Throwing his weight back, he used their current position in the air to flip his entire body, placing both him and the insect upside down. It was too late for the attacker to change his course, by the time the flip has occurred those raised claws had already come down upon his comrade, drawing whatever they bled and removing the bugger from Dashade's back. Whether the insect was dead or not, the Changeling's green tail came crashing down on the two, sending them both to the floor and the height assisting in delivering an extra force to the knockdown. [color=1a7b30]"At least one of them should be dead now..."[/color] Dashade muttered, looking over the battle to see if he was needed or his opponents had yet to be squashed.