[@Xandrya] "Yeah, can't wait ta get the green light to go. Much rather spend the night in our own bed than in here." Grayson grunted as he shifted up and turned, leaning on his elbow to face Amy. In doing this, he inadvertently sent a sharp ripple of pain through his side "No need to thank me lass, what kind of man would I be if I didn't stand by ya? Not much of one I can tell ya that, we're in this together til the end Ames... even if it does cost an arm or two." [@Rultaos][@t2wave][@iTem] Stryker nodded at the comments from both Benny and Matija, measuring his response carefully. "Yeah, I've got a cover story written up in my after-action report, haven't transmitted it yet though. I'm gonna tell them the truth, just not the part where I ordered the scientists killed and the research destroyed. Here's what I've got." Stryker picked up his datapad, cleared his throat, and started to read. "A Skaldurm patrol skiff spotted us shortly after landing, just around the time our undercover operative completed her mission, a task Taleste paid her life to pull off. We headed down into the facility, but technical glitches prevented us from sealing the doors before the Skaldurm raiders arrived en masse. Lives were lost trying to defend the scientists, but ultimately we couldn't save them, the savages killed them, tore into their unarmored bodies like lions on a gazelle. An errant laser blast in the lab cracked the containment cube on the prototype generator, dark matter seeped out into the open air, and in its volatile state, destroyed the entire lab, we barely escaped with our lives." Remembering suddenly, Stryker looked at Harriet and gestured over to the others. "You weren't that far off with that joke about a flu shot. Harriet just administered a dose of antitoxin, to ward off any effects of exposure to the poison she used down there, everyone has to get it, can't afford to lose any more of you guys, especially with Amy and Grayson out of commission for a bit. So who's up next?"