[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/mZzSVsI.png[/img] [COLOR=orange][sup][b]Empire of Stone | Jonin | Squad Two[/b][/sup][/COLOR][/center][hr][INDENT][sup][COLOR=orange][b]TIME:[/b] [i]Present Day - 9:00AM[/i] | [b]LOCATION:[/b] [i]Amegakure - Meeting Hall[/i] | [b]INTERACTION:[/b] [@Aeolian]+[@Syn] [/COLOR][/sup][/INDENT] Was probably the first to notice the other between himself and Erika. A buzzing beetle told him one of the four shinobi he was looking for had been spotted. Scattered amongst the crowd, the Kinzoku drew no attention, and eventually gathered back to their master and keeper. They crawled in beneath his coat, and then burrowed beneath the skin into the network of tunnels carved into his body. With the last of them already bundled away out of sight, he turned with a smile to the approaching girl from Suna. He noticed her eyes first, a frosty blue, and the light blonde tinting of her hair. She was indeed a desert flower. Reaching out, he took the flower, letting the stem spin between his thumb and fingers. Still beautiful and a symbol of peace apparently. [color=orange]"Peace is so fleeting. I guess that's why flowers represent it then?"[/color] He cooed out, teasingly at the over enthusiastic shinobi who sat by his side. His hand tugging on his cape so she wouldn't sit on it. [i]"Since the dawn of the ether itself, our threads had already been entwined. Only death may sever it now."[/i] [i]"Erika. Erika Yamanaka of the Church of Heiwa."[/i] [color=orange]"Erika Yamanaka of the Church of Heiwa."[/color] He spoke when she did, matching her words and smiling back with a noble grin. It wasn't soft, but it wasn't hard either. It was confident, and turned up a little on the right side. [color=orange]"I hope you don't mind, but I made sure to read through the full file they sent me, and a few others. It wasn't much, but your church sounds fascinating. I recall a brief time where a member of the nobility tried attracting others to it. It wasn't successful, but it was fun to hear about."[/color] Tucking the flower into the brim of his coat, the insect shinobi couldn't help but chuckle. Just something about how perky she was managed to endear her to him instantly. The opposite case was Shizuka Ichimi. Eita barely had time to speak as the wind child rushed right in. Speaking like a million miles and hour was too slow for him. He found himself swiping a hand about, gripping the flower when the breeze knocked it from his coat. Clearing his throat, he felt... Agitated, primarily from the clear breaking of his personal bubble. This didn't help that as soon as Shizuka rested a hand on the coat, the beetles inside his body immediately went haywire. Something was touching the host! Was it bad!? But before they could do something sudden, Eita acted first, by gracefully reaching down, and grabbing the Konoha Kid's hand with two fingers. [color=orange]"Well, I do agree that it's soft. You see, it comes from a mammoth beetle. My family fought several other bug clans to claim ownership of it. The fur that it grows during mating season is simply divine. And it breathes like you would not believe."[/color] Eita explained as he lifted Shizuka's hand away. [color=orange]"But, no touching. Though considering your introduction, your name is Shizuka, correct?"[/color] He added a coy little smile as he turned to both. [color=orange]"I apologize, I was unaware we were doing gifts. I should have expect that. But don't worry, I'll have something for both of you as soon as our fourth and fifth arrive."[/color] Honestly he was hoping Shizuka's lack of manners wasn't indicative of some probably in Konoha's social circles.