Now, it could be said that Sam had a temper. Sure, it seemed a little hard to invoke considering her usual chill demeanour, but it was there! Usually what sparked it to show to the others was being threatened, or just as understandably, the well-being of the [i]group[/i] being threatened. Oh boy, she did not like either of these scenarios one bit. Of course considering the fact that her plants were very, [i]very[/i] important to survival in times were food was scarce, it’s no surprise that they were included. Plus, you know, the whole naming them thing. So it was pretty much inevitable that on finding out what Conrad did, Sam [i]lost her shit[/i]. There was some yelling, some hitting her car when it wouldn’t start up to chase him, some threatening to do some rather [i]graphic[/i] things to Conrad, and she even began to march off into the woods to [i]chase[/i] after him if necessary. Luckily she was talked down from that one. In any case, the result of Conrad leaving was why Sam was currently packing up her things. No, she wasn’t going to leave the group like he did. Like some sort of [i]bitch[/i] over not getting their way. Nope. Because of Con-fucking-rad their supply run schedule was pushed forward. The little stray didn't even turn out to be a half-bad addition, despite her youth - which was great, Sam hated dead weights. So here Sam was, up in her rafter ‘room’ gathering necessary supplies. Her AK-47 rifle was strapped across her back, for although without ammo it was a very threatening piece of equipment should they find other survivors. Her pistol loaded and extra ammo carefully stored. Clothing dry and warm, and her dufflebag emptied. It hurt Sam every time she emptied the dufflebag of its contents, but it was necessary for now. As such the rather large pile of hundreds, [i]thousands[/i] of dollars in various bundled of bills was pushed into a far corner of her rafter home, stashed away carefully. Sam couldn’t help but run her hand over it – the full one, touching the still fairly crisp notes with all her fingers. It was pretty much useless now, but at the same time she couldn’t help the delight that sparked inside her on seeing it. Maybe someday it’d be worth something again. Either way, she wasn’t getting rid of it. Yet with the dufflebag now emptied and waiting to be filled Sam finally hopped down from the ceiling, landing with a rather loud thud – uncaring if it bothered anyone. Whistling a jaunty tune she descended the steps, doing up her blonde, teal-tipped hair in a ponytail as she called out. [color=Skyblue]”You guys better be ready soon, I’m getting antsy about getting out of here!”[/color] The cheer in her voice was obvious, back to being her usual chill self. Mostly. Her gaze darkened as it passed over the window where ‘Abigail’ once rested, almost bristling like an angry animal. Oh, Conrad had better have gotten away, because he wouldn’t have a second chance.