Hello, I’m new to roleplay. Reading through everything on this site isn’t particularly hard (navigation wise), but I see a lot of terms that don’t quite add up. MxM, FxF, the differences between casual and advanced, etc. While that certainly isn’t anyone’s fault but my own, I am still quite confused! I’m a 20 year old troll who lives in the world, and I have a habit of writing. A lot. I have never done joint writing, unless you consider being high out of your mind while you write a story about a young dwarven archer named Gorm. Then again, that’s the best kind of joint writing right? English isn’t my first language, so I truly apologize if I mess something up. Not that there’s much to mess up right now, but still. Genre wise, I like a lot of fantasy. So much in fact, I want to try the complete opposite my first time roleplaying. Maybe something mundane, like adventures in highschool? I dunno. Other than that, what up B?