[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/YtdyAy4.png[/img] [color=777777]Level 2 Goddess of The Supernatural (Soul)[/color] 0 Might 0 Miracles 3.25/4 Acts of Creation[/center] The goddess calmly walked along the pathway of the temples, her feet touched the small pool of water and created ripples that, no matter what, would never go overboard and pour out. She was a bit frustrated that once again she seemed to have mismanaged her efforts and got herself tired before she could advance her objectives. Planning was never her strong point, she knew how to prepare and she knew it well, but actual outlining of objectives, that was a bit beyond. Yet it had been a good idea to construct the temple in such a blessed land, for this time despite the weakness of her body she did not feel tired or in pain, the mountain air and the flow of Ley resonance helped to mitigate any fatigue. While she rested, she felt a little ring to her ears, a disturbance in the area. Locus Amoenus was not a large sprawling area, most of it was perfectly within the goddess' range. [color=777777]"Brother"[/color] she whispered, sighing almost, there were beings that thought absence was enough to be sneaky, but that was not how it worked, a person that lacks a shadow, a completely muted forest, an odorless flower, a reflectionless mirror, all those stood out, so did Césure. She rubbed her chin, what could death be planning? She, from the start, suspected the god, who seemed to always avoid the presence of others and to hide the intent of his creations. Unfortunately, she had little time to pay attention to that matter now, and to hope her siblings would understand the issue at hand was hopeless, Larwen was able to get away with openly declaring war to the pantheon, it seemed that until they jumped at someone's neck, all lions and tigers would be indistinguishable from helpless kitten. Siblings. [color=777777]"Not really."[/color] though the term would fit and it would fit well, compared to what Kap Gam once called siblings. But what was long ago, and she really did not hold bitter feelings over that, neither did she hold bitter feelings now, she just worried about the souls and the mortals. Speaking of which, the acts of her sister Seihdhara had not escaped her, two courts of "fae" spread across the land, none had made as far as the tall retreat of Locus Amoenus, which was thankful, Kap Gam would have no patience for their intrigues up in her own land. Sullied and Unsullied, she didn't hold either in high regards at the moment, to battle your siblings like that, just because of some perceived destiny, was the opposite of what Fae should be, they were the free souls, they should not hate each other based on clans and names. Worse were the Perfected Fae her sprites told her about, mindless servants of the God of Twisted Views, their great flaw not laying in the distortion and perversion natural to Larwen, but on the fact they followed it without question. So far, at least. She needed a better weapon than the Hydra, not more powerful, but less cruel. The bites of the serpent were no way to deal with anything but the most corrupted things, she could never use it on beings that while deserving of some punishment, still were souls worthy of a new chance. She also needed more types of Fae to make her company, and to bring the Marta, her knights, to this world, and to create more measures that would stop the Ley from overflowing in a century or so... She sighed, she felt tired already. [hider=Summary] Kap Gam is chilling after using up much of her power. Resting on her temple, thinking over things. She notices Césure, and hmms hard. She acknowledges the Sullied, Unsullied and the Perfected, but is like "Yeah, they are 'Fae' but not real bonafide Fae Fae" because they are racist or something. Finally, she thinks about what she needs to do to not let the world be so screwed, its a long list and it makes her fatigued. No change to might, level or miracles. [/hider]