[color=00a651]”Finally. One step closer to my dream.”[/color] The ruins of Norn were terrifying. It reminded Ashe of her country after it was razed. She could see the former glories this place had and wondered what had to have happened for all of it to be lost. If perhaps there was a lost king or even princess hoping to restore it to its former glory. [color=00a651]”No. don’t distract yourself now. Focus on your mission.”[/color] Ashe continued down her path, bow and arrows in hand, venturing deeper into the ruins. She needed to figure out where to go. Some locations seemed pretty obvious. There was a large church still standing that could be a useful landmark. But no doubt others have seen it and thought the same; Ashe couldn’t afford to run into violent types right now. No she needed to look elsewhere. A ruined keep it mayor home perhaps. Somewhere that would have the information she sought. If she couldnt find it there, then she will risk looking around the church. Ashe knew her cities well and knew how to best find a keep, they would ya e the most open roads so their armies could sally it quickly. And even among the fallen ruins and rubles Ashe can clearly see the path before Norn’s fall. Making sure she wasn’t followed she would sneak along this road to the city’s Fortress.