[quote=@Willy Vereb] BTW, anyone knows what was the name of that old empire that are proxy to the Romans? Amurium? In broken Latin that purple territory translates as "Amurium language region". [/quote] The full title of the region is supposed to translate out as "The Old Imperial Language" in pigeon faux-Latin. I never really bothered to name the Empire and just sort of passingly refer to it as The Empire to make it simple. [quote=@Liotrent] -Snipped- [/quote] I wasn't sure I needed to give you absolute clearance and put it all in your power to determine. They're in the end a part of your own narrative(s) so you get full franchise over them. You can certainly have them, they're just your problem and not a primary concern on my part, next map update I'll slide them in. [quote=@Willy Vereb] Still lagging behind with my NS a bit so here's just my new claim: [img]https://i.imgur.com/hBEUjLQ.jpg[/img] Anyways, it's been days and haven't got a solid response to my questions so while I understand how Discord can suck away the activity it also generates a more frequent platform for interaction which is generally good for a roleplay's health. [/quote] Discord is for pretty people who post IC anyways, or should be. In any case: immediate things that stick out to me that you need to answer: Your people spill out across two language zones but I'm so far not reading a lot of indication that this is being considered. Terkhazia - the northern coast lands to that last major bend in the river - is its own thing of pseudo-Slav speak and then there's the the Old Imperial Language quarters. Unless in the past they invaded in great force from somewhere else and thus probably had enough of a large ruling class over top that actively refused to speak either-or then I'm not sure it would work given the language geography. So your nation also plops you down in an area relevant to [@Erik Tiber].