(This is the finished post!) [center][color=aquamarine][h1] Nyma [/h1][/color][/center] [hr] [center][h3][i][u] Day 4: Late Afternoon -> -> -> Night [/u][/i][/h3][/center] Crap. As Nyma noticed the sky begin to darken, she scowled to herself at the thought her chances to do something were not likely to happen. At least for today. The temptation to sit about and hide for the night to observe things was also there, see what sorts of creatures lurked in the night, but without a properly refined weapon that too might be a bad idea without proper protection and all. It was all frustrating the more Nyma thought about it, but....perhaps she could put a spin on this. In fact, as she thought of the idea her face began to light up with the signs of an excited plan. Heh, if she couldn't get the lay of the land tonight, then perhaps she could manage to work on something else and ask a few questions of that older Goblin she'd heard earlier. Aha. Nyma would stop in her tracks as the terrifying howl from an unknown source went through the air, the young female goblin merely held her ground and stared in the northeast direction the sound had come from. Seemed like something big was going on, something she and Barth here probably didn't need to deal with right now. Not whilst they were unprepared. However, she seemed unphased in the face of the howls, head keeping cool under the circumstances. [color=aquamarine]"Barth, lets head back for tonight. Seems we can't explore more safely, but i do have a plan. On our way back, collect some sharper rocks and more of the sticks like we managed to pick up on the way. Since we haven't gone too far from the cave at least, we can probably collect enough of this stuff and get back before it gets actually dark,"[/color] Nyma said, turning as she spoke to the other Goblin, giving a nod before taking off again back in the direction of the cave as she noted where the sounds had come from, [color=aquamarine]"We can try to make weapons for when we head out tomorrow."[/color] As she would begin to move back to go to the cave, Nyma would keep an eye out for more of the same type of young tree she had picked up earlier. It would at least be something to work with, and on the way she would also grab up a few "sharper" rocks she could spot on the way sticking out of or sitting on the ground. Enough to try to sharpen things, though normal rocks she could use to crack and make "sharp edges" on other rocks would be potentially useful as well. Not that she had much she could carry right now, so if Barth helped then she and he might be able to work things out between what both of them could carry in their hands on the way back. [center][b]Nyma is [u][i]trying[/i][/u] to collect, on the way back to the cave if possible: [i][u]3[/u][/i] more young trees like the one she grabbed earlier. They would be held in one of her hands and/or under either of her arms (in the armpits) for carrying (however it best works out), and [u][i]3[/i][/u] stones [[i][u]1[/u][/i] of them having sharper edges] being carried in her other hand. During this time, her main young tree "weapon" is held under one arm for maximum carrying capacity in this instance.[/b][/center] [@Jangel13][@Kheliop] [hider=Inventory and EXP for Nyma] [b]EXP[/b]: [b]Inventory[/b]: -1 "rudimentary" weapon, in the form of a long, young tree with twig-sized branches having been plucked off. Its base is just thick enough to be considered a very small club head, and gives a bit of reach like any basic weapon might. Has a healthy length to maybe be used for fashioning a spear. Has enough flexibility, though, to perhaps be fashioned into something like a bow with the right materials. - - [b]Acquired Skills[/b]: - - - [b]Titles[/b]: - - - [b]Blessings[/b]: - - - [b]Curses[/b]: - - - [/hider]