Grimloq stood from his mountain peak with cold eyes that stared out to the ocean and it's horizon. With Bahamut watching over the eggs of the next generation of dragons, the cold-blooded god had little else to do. His thoughts fell upon his siblings, and what schemes or creations they were brewing from the land and sea beyond his gaze. Curious, and seeking more inspiration for his own kingdom, Grimloq left his mountain throne and drifted across the sea. What caught his attention was the existence of another great beast of creation. The God found himself observing a great beast the size of an island drifting atop the ocean, it's back could have easily been mistaken for land had he not noticed the turtle's head. Intrigued, he descended upon the turtle's back to where he found another deity, who he presumed was this monster's creator. "You have crafted a magnificient beast." A monstrous and firey voice slurred an attempt of a respectful tone from the monstrous god's inhuman maw. Regulus was cautious of this new diety, though he did not sense darkness from him. No, it was something different that was both new to him, and very familiar, fire. Such a dangerous, but useful thing. He was not accustomed to be praised. He paused for a moment, he was not sure how much he trusted this new god, but the corruptor posed a very clear and present danger, nessicity might require him to make strange allies. "Yes, she is my second-creation, my sentinel of the sea." The cold-blooded god nodded once, briefly examining the ground at his feet that is a part of this great beast. "You seem troubled, brother." Regulus paused, "There is a reason why I require a sentinel. I have just had an encounter with a demon, most foul. His corruption has already spread to the ocean. and yet the ocean is something that is foreign to me." Grimloq paused. His words caused him to think, considering certain options. It was not his place to get involved in the politics of others, only his own problems should matter to him, but there was no malice in this fellow god of his. He certainly respected this mighty sentinel he created. "I acknowledge your plight, brother, and I respect the power you demonstrated with this very beast we stand upon. I seek little business with my siblings, but I will make an exception for you." Regulus once again paused, he felt as though there may be a hidden motive behind Grimloq's actions. Though, mutual self-interst is the root of cooperation. "Speak plainly. What is your gift, and why do you wish to give it?" As if on que the divine dragon Bahamut had arrived from the sky above, in it's shimmering form of light it's maw dropped several eggs that were once part of a brood of dragons. They descended without ruin between the two gods. "I am not one of deception brother. I am a deity of fire and rage. Though my wrath is reserved for my own affairs, I see that there may be some honor in giving you some assistance in your retribution against this demon." The avatar above fled back to the island just as soon as it appeared, flying away in a flash of burning light. Grimloq kneeled down to the 3 eggs before him. He lifted a claw to his own mouth, and ripped out one of his fangs without much of a flinch. "As a warrior and one who admires such powerful creations, you've given me inspiration for my next craft. And as a gift I will grant you warriors to aid in your quest against this corruption, beasts that carry the form and heritage of your sentinel augumented with the souls of dragons. " While he spoke with his unnaturally brutish voice, he held the root of his broken tooth downward to slowly drip his divine blood onto each of the eggs. Afterwards, he rose and raised his hand over them, which glowed vaguely in response. A thought crossed Regulus mind as the dragon god did his work. He had given a name to his feelings towards the demon, rage. Was it that very rage that summoned Grimloq. He put that thought aside, he did get the sense that he was speaking the truth. Fire is dangerous, but powerful. He needed to harness this flame to burn away the corruption. "I accept your gift. On one further conditions, the children of my sentinel should be wise and noble of spirit." He said, raising his spear and it to glowed, as he used the last reserves of his divine energy to consecrate the eggs. "So be it then." Grimloq rose from his position. "They need some time to hatch, and more time to grow and procreate. Once so however, they will cleanse the corruption of that demon you speak of with not mere fire but jets of boiling water. They will pursue through the depths of the ocean below with stone-crushing peaks, but most will never stray too far from your sentinel. They are designed to only lay their eggs atop the very shell we stand on. This reliance of your creation for their survival puts them at your control, brother, use them and your rage wisely." He gave a nod towards his brother of a respectful farewell. "I am off to nurture my own realm now." Regulus listened to the fire gods words carefully. "I will. Though for now, I will need time to think. The Island Turtle shall follow you close to land, and then submerge. I will leave a number of griffins to guard her and her eggs. They will be my eyes if anyone is foolish enough to attack the precious eggs." he said, before throwing his spear back towards the beach he first arrived at. Half of the griffins on the turtle's back took flight and followed it, and other griffins followed it as it past them. After a few moments, he disappeared. [hider= Summary and Might Usage] Grimloq looks out to the ocean and sees a giant turtle and takes interest in both the giant turtle, and Regulus' power. After Regulus being awkward,Grimloq offers him a gift in the form of new warriors, born of the Island Turtle. Bahamot appears and drops off some eggs, and Grimloq goes to bless them. Regulus accepts this so long as the creatures are wise and noble and blesses them to. Grimloq gives Regulus some advice,and prepares to return home. Regulus leaves some griffins behind to protect the Island Turtle, and instructs it to go close to land and then submerge.Regulus then teleports to the beach, with a number of griffins following him. Grimloq used 3 miracles and Regulus used 1 miracle in order to create Dragon Turtle Eggs. Regulus - Level 3 No Might Remaining Acts of Creation 3/6 Grimloq - Level 2 might uses (.25 miracle) remaining 0 acts of creation 4/4 level 3 [/hider]