[@Ever] [img]https://i.imgur.com/hMr3eUU.png?1[/img] Small update but this is what the tether looks like. And some more details: The tether as mentioned before acts like a neutralizer everyone's Deos traits and special abilities all except for immortality. When we get to that point in the story, depending on the actions your character takes or emotion your character feels (mainly combined) the tether will in a sense 'deactivate' allowing you to use your powers until it activates again. What I also mean by 'deactivate' is that it will only allow you to use your abilities up to a certain point. Throughout the story depending on events, when the tether 'deactivates', the wearer will recall everything 100%. I want to say the power level at the beginning will only be 5-10%. There's more in regards in the Tether but that'll be revealed in the story later on. I hope this clears everything up.