[center][h1][color=662d91]Anemone[/color][/h1] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/348425665755742208/424182550819241984/Anemone.png[/img][/center] [hr] Dozens of pirates laid injured, dead or dying on the True Blue deck. Most of which were at the hand of Anemone as she continued her one-woman assault. Even now, she unleashed a devastating suplex on some unsuspecting sap. But her reckless fighting hadn't come without a cost, as the various cuts on her body indicated. She had managed to avoid anything serious, but there was a free-flowing cut on her cheek that worried her a tad. That was a wound from having just narrowly stepping to the side when some fodder tried to cut her head off. Suffice to say, his head was rolling somewhere on board as she taught him how to [i]really[/i] cut someone's head off. The Pirates numbers were beginning to finally thin as well now, especially as Izal entered the fray and the rest of the boarding crew was starting to make some headway as well. [color=662d91]"About bloody time."[/color] Grumbling under her breath, she looked over to see how Bertol was faring she was pleasantly surprised to see he wasn't dead yet. Good, that means she wouldn't get in trouble with the captain for failing to comply with her orders. However, that dwarf still lived and seemed relatively unharmed as he opened the door to the deck below and yelled something. It was hard to tell from this distance, but it might've been 'Skull Crushers'. Obviously, that didn't sound like good news. [color=662d91]"Bertol, get back."[/color] She didn't even so much as spare the younger man a glance as she passed him. She was too focused on whatever was potentially going to come out of that doorway. Oh well, nothing ventured nothing gained. Gathering all the remaining charge she had left at her disposal, she formed a small ball of electricity and shot it through the open doorway. If it was anything big like Anemone feared, then it wouldn't have much of an effect but it should stall them long enough for her to drive her sword through this dwarf's skull. She would deal with these 'Skull Crushers' when the time came.