[b]"Hey, wake up!"[/b] Maybe it was the sudden shouting, or maybe it was because her muscles decided to spike in defiance, or maybe it was because of that horrible nightmare she had gotten, but Alex was awake now. And now, she figured that it took all three of those to wake her up, and she was normally a person who was easy to wake. But from what she could tell from the clock, she was already going to run late if she didn't wake up at that moment. It took another second to realize that someone was standing at the foot of her bed. With her hands crossed and her eyebrow raised, Jess looked absolutely done with what she was doing. [b]"Good morning sleepyhead."[/b] A smile broke onto the blonde girl's face. There were only a few things Alex could stand in the morning, when her mind was still racing to catch up to her already awake body, and the only friend she could really trust with her life was one of those. No matter how annoying she might seem to others... or how annoying she looked with that smug look on her face that clearly told Alex that Jess had beat her to the punch of waking the other up. [b]"Mom cooked us breakfast. She threw a fit when you didn't join us for dinner yesterday, so I think you should join us [i]now."[/i][/b] [b][color=f26522]"Alright, let me just get prepared for school."[/color][/b] Alex said as she stood up. Her friend nodded and then left to give her some privacy. She stretched her limbs - grimacing at the fact that it was aching more than her brain. Every single event yesterday was just as unrealistic as she remembered them to be. If you weren't there, you wouldn't believe it. However, the hovering kwami in front of her also reminded her that none of that was a dream and for better or for worse, she had to continue doing all that for what could certainly possibly be the rest of her life. Comforting thought. [b][color=8dc73f]"Yesterday was a real doozy huh?"[/color][/b] Poyzz claimed as he sat down on her shoulder as she stood up and began looking through the cabinets. She had stayed over for enough times to leave her clothing here. Even if others were to use the room, this cabinet was for her and her only. Guess Jess unlocked it before she woke up. [b][color=8dc73f]"But you did good. The others did too but-"[/color][/b] SHe pulled out some simple clothing and placed Poyzz on the drawer looking away from her. [b][color=f26522]"It's worrying that Rouge Bat is the one behind this?"[/color][/b] She continued his thought as she started changing her clothing. The kwami was kind enough not to turn around to speak to her. [b][color=8dc73f]"Yeah, I mean, I get that us Miraculous would have to do whatever our master tells us to do but... how'd he get his hands on a Miraculous in the first place if he was like that?"[/color][/b] Quite obviously, Poyzz wasn't around at the time Rogue Bat was at his prime. Alex went on to explain all about what he was like before and the Miraculous seemed to understand why the man possessed a Miraculous. For once, Poyzz stayed silent. Perhaps he realized the amount of betrayal Alex had felt when she saw her respected hero as the enemy. Alex was not finished and then invited Poyzz to stay inside her inside pocket - something she had always considered when picking outfits - and then proceeded outside after promising the kwami she'll get him beef jerky later. She had happily consumed the breakfast Jess' mom cooked up for them. She had finished way faster than Jess, who was struggling to finish her own food. This sparked a pang of guilt in Alex's chest. Jess was recovering from her eating disorders. After her mother had found out, she did everything she could to help the girl get her appetite back. Alex felt partially responsible for not stopping it early - or at least, not having found out early. After a few more minutes, Jess had finished though she had leftovers. They weren't about to push her to eat more. With that, the two friends left the premises. They spoke heartily about others things - though Jess did most of the speaking - and Alex veered off any coneersation about what had happened yesterday. Her sharp friend thankfully did not catch on. As they moved towards the school, one that covered everything from elementary to highschool - and one of the very few schools in this diverse city, she noticed two younger kids moving along. They looked vaguely familiar. Had she been with them before on school excursions? She had always been put up to the task of accompanying the younger children, figuring that her calm demeanor would avoid conflict with any other children. Putting the thought aside, the girl was talking about the masked heroes that saved her from odd instructor. Oh, so that was why. The girl had been the one they saved before. At least hearing that was pretty nice. Alex kept walking with Jess, however, as she had no business with people below her year. It wasn't like she knew them personally either.