[@ShwiggityShwah] Yeah Ive been thinking on the existence of all the nine realms (Asgard, Midgard - which is this world of Elysia -, Niflheim, Muspelheim, Jotunheim, etc). Odin, Surtr, Loki, Hel, Tyr, Jörmungandr, these guys will exist with many having human-like forms. Just to give you a hint on what Im working on, its going to be a valkyrie, and there's a Valkyrie army in each realm lead by a certain Valkyrie commander, which wields a certain element based on their realm they control. Some are there to protect their leader (Asgard, Muspelheim, etc), while some are there to keep the realm under Asgard's control (Jotunheim in particular). My playable valkyrie is going to be the one resonating in Asgard. What do you say about this?