The day began pretty normally for Zeke, he woke up with a bed head and shook the sleep from his eyes before getting out of bed. He was perhaps up only a bit earlier that his usual, today was is first day at a new job and even though it was only temporary it wouldn't do to give a bad impression. To that end he set about getting ready in his small apartment. Having the ability to move things with your mind certainly helped to make most of the mundane things one does in life quick and easy, after a short shower he brushed his teeth as a comb ran itself through his hair, pulled on a shirt as his pants slid themselves up his legs, and threw on a jacket as his scarf wrapped itself around his neck. Once he was ready the last thing he did was gather up his phone, wallet, keys and then he set out. His commute was easy at least, he just put his hood up in an effort to hide his facial markings and took the subway, no one payed him much mind he was just another person taking the subway in the Big Apple. He arrived at the store a few minutes after six, there he found a few of the other workers waiting for the manager. He joined the small group and introduced himself as the new guy and got a few introductions in return, save for one girl apart from the group who one of the other employees pointed out and said her name was Lana, explaining she wasn't much of a people person. After that it was just small talk to pass the time, him getting the inevitable questions about the 'tattoos' on his face, him answering with the "young and dumb" excuse. At least a few of them said it actually looked nice. When the manager arrived and opened the store everyone went about their own work while he went with the manager for a quick rundown of what he was suppose to do. After getting oriented he got his uniform and went to the staff room to change. He was working shelves with Lana, assigned the task at least in part because of the mark on his face but the task suited him just fine. As his coworker didn't seem too keen on dealing with people he would stay out of her way. The day carried on and he'd do his job, occasionally using his power to speed things up when he was sure no one was looking, his other half staying remarkably quiet. It was around four that he felt his phone buzz in his pocket, checking it he saw the message from Salem. Even though it was short he got the feeling they weren't being called for something good. Putting his phone away he carried one for the rest of the work day. -Later- At the end of his workday Zeke finished with the last of his work and got back into his casual clothes. Heading quickly out the door he realized he actually still had some time before the meeting and, if he remembered correctly the restaurant Salem worked at should still be open. With a rumble from his belly reminding him that he skipped lunch he decided to head that way, not only could he grab something to eat but he could head down to headquarters with her afterwards. With that in mind he flagged down a taxi, intent on heading down to Husker's.