It was a sunny day in West City and people were enjoying a regular day of peace, earned after many troubles that had come to pass. Happy voices filled the air and the people wandered with little care in the world, attending to their personal matters with danger far off in their minds thanks to the valiant efforts of the Z fighters. Though many were particular happy for the bright sunny day in spring, not everyone was exactly pleased with their day had in store. For some it doesn't take much for such a beautiful day to be ruined and one such person was currently making their way up the long steps in one of West City's towers. "...why is it always this tower?" A man slowly made his way up a flight of stairs carrying a bucket of water in one hand, and a mop in the other. He was dressed in a blue jumpsuit that seemed a tad loose on him, though he kind of preferred it that way. He was tall and a bit lean with a fair bit of muscle in his arms, though it was hard to tell due to the jumpsuit. He blew a wet bang out of his face and adjusted the blue hat with the hand holding the mop as he slowly trudged his way up the stairs. Though he couldn't see the top floor the determination in his eyes showed his commitment to the minimum wage he was going to earn today and with a mighty yell he reached the top steps before collapsing onto the ground. "Y-yeah...I did the man Ryo...ugh." The one named Ryo slowly climbed to his feet as he noticed people were standing around him, he had taken a job to clean one of the of the taller malls in West City, and they did tell him bottom to top, and after a painstaking workday he had finally made it to the top floor, though the pain of the whole thing was, the lower floors were probably dirty again so there was a good chance he was going to have to start over again. That idea filled him with no end of despair, but he shook his head and immediately got to work, there was no sense complaining about it, he was way behind on his rent and the growl of his stomach reminded him he needed this job. [i]"D-damn complaining Ryo...unless there's some magic way to get a bunch of money this is all I really have. Besides this is nothing compared to training. You got this."[/i] Ryo glanced over as a few children purposefully knocked their drinks onto the ground before asking their parents for another smirking at him. "Sometimes I hate this city."