Today became one of those where one had to replace the things they wear everyday. Take Kinoko, for instance. Here she was, in the mall, urging Vegeta to join her, since they both needed new casual things. It was all, technically, Bulma and Chi-Chi’s idea in forcing them. Saiyans, always sticking to their pride, to the point of wearing the same attire every single day. Since coming to Earth, and defeating Raditz, there wasn't necessarily a place for the princess to stay, so she had to normally stay with Goku and his wife. At first, she found Chi-Chi to be somewhat strict, but Kinoko could only understand that she just wants what's best for her family. As much as those expectations were overbearing, Kinoko tries to do the best she can, in order to help her younger brother with the amount of stress his wife puts on him. Sometimes, they were rather lucky in getting her to agree with them taking a break or two, but this varied. Especially when it came to Goku and training... She had managed to learn about the aspects of finance from Bulma and Videl (considering that they were rich), so the idea of getting a job was an option with considering, if she ever wants to support her family. The princess became a full-time grocery-store clerk. Highly unlike her younger brother, Kinoko grew fond of the task, almost immediately. That also meant that she and Goku are on the same page and business in handling fresh food: he harvests and collects, while she stocks and gives them away. If she wasn't on her shift, she can make Goku's task a lot easier. After all, it's a win-win; the faster it gets done, the more time for training for the both of them!