"Hmph, you want to know if I have long lost, ancient secrets at my fingertips?" Neesa replied, now giving Lunise her judgmental gaze. "Well I do, to be fair, but not those secrets. At least not in the way you are thinking. The tonal manipulation of the Dwemer requires tools, resonators, attenuators, their great machines and inventions. It is not like casting a simple spell, though I suppose it is [i]possible[/i] for a being to manipulate Aurbis' song under one's own power. The Nords of old did it. Unknowingly, of course. Their Thu'um, their 'gift' from Kyne, is a form of tonal manipulation. A primitive, inelegant form, but a form nonetheless. A bit like trying to chisel a sculpture with a warhammer. Unlike the Nords, the Dwemer actually understood the forces they were meddling with. Regardless, I meant what I said about the power of the Dwemer: it is something that should remain buried. It is foolish for the limited mind of an unenlightened mortal to try and claim power surpassing the divine. The fact that Dwemer cities are now filled with nothing but ghosts, metaphorically, should drive that point into your skulls. It would be less worrying if they were literal ghosts." Neesa paused when they finally spotted one of the Dwemer automatons. It was a simple worker spider, moving between two of the pump stations, but it was enough for her, though she did continue as she now lead the way in front of them. "Of course, that isn't to say the power [i]shouldn't[/i] be claimed at all. No, I believe it is the right and destiny of mortals to surpass our original creators. But I am not enough of an idiot to follow the example of the Dwemer. I do not follow history's failures; I seek to emulate the two beings who have actually transcended the gods. I seek [i]Royalty[/i]." As they reached the spider, Neesa simply walked alongside it, observing it with a detail-focused eye. Although, it was impossible to tell exactly what details she was looking for.