With the motions from Shadow to release him from their embrace, realizing that they were still hugging and that alone made him blush and flustered from the contact and had too pulled away and sitting cross-legged with his cheeks red as well as the back of his neck of which he rubbed, feeling embarrassed. But other than that he was fine and the young Duelist looked to the window of his Soul Room. "Joey is really doing his best. He'll beat Mai. Im sure he will." becoming slightly distracted but was worried about friend though having confidence. _______________________________________________ Joey then realized card that he needed, sifting though his memories to when he was back on the boat with Yugi and gotten his cards. [i]The Time Wizard... This is the kind a' tight spot Yugi musta been talkin' about. Now if I can just remember what Gramps taught me about the way to use a magic card; 's my only chance. But, do I have it in my hand?'[/i] Mai, meanwhile is ignored throughout this deliberation and is getting pretty tired of it and just wanting the duel finished so she could move on. "If I'd known how long it was going to take you to make a move, I would've brought a magazine." Speaking out in hopes Joey would get a move on. Wheeler though, looking through the cards in his hand to see that the card he needed, was the card that wasn't in his deck. "Uh-oh. The Time Wizard's not in my hand. Ah, I'll have to draw for it." Muttering to himself. Luckily it was his turn and so Joey reaches for the top of his duel deck with a trembling hand; this is it. The moment of truth. He was hesitating. "But what if I don't get it? Rrgh, what if..." Yugi watches from where he is as if he was able to feeling Joey's hesitation and doubt. [i]'Trust in your cards, Joey, trust in yourself!'[/i] Thinking to himself as Joey would somehow hear him. The blonde shakes his head and makes his decision. "Uh, here I go. It's all or nothin'! Rrrgh!!" Joey draws, and lifts the card with his eyes closed, almost afraid that he would draw the wrong card. Yugi is staring intently, willing the card to be the right one; maybe that intense look even affected the draw. Joey still has his eyes closed, hardly daring to look. He peeps at it, then cheers out loud! "Hm? Alright!! It's the Time Wizard!!" Full of glee as his friends smile and grin. Jaden though a grin, was so invested into the Duel now was feeling he was on the edge of his seat. Figureatively speaking. The Time Wizard appears on Joey's side of the field, a round, red analog clock with eyeballs on its face and clock hands for a nose; white-gloved hands and purple-slippered feet; with yellow gears for shoulder clasps, from which hang his fuchsia cape; with another gear for the band of his hat, and two more for anklets; and carrying a little staff with a dial at the top. Time Wizard[ATK: 500 - DEF: 400] Mai looked at the monster with the narrowing of her eyes as if she needed a closer look. "Hm? What good is that thing?" Joey looked at the female blonde like she grew a second head at that question. "Don't you [b]KNOW[/b]? The Time Wizard can make time go faster, causin' my Baby Dragon to grow into a Thousand Dragon!" He explains with a gleeful grin. The Spirit smirked at that. "Right Joey, and that's not the [b]ONLY[/b] effect your Time Wizard will have." He admits confidently. Time Wizard speaks in a mechanical, nasally voice and raises the little staff above its head. "[i]Time magic![/i]" Before their eyes, the air above Time Wizard begins to swirl inward on itself, and shoot out beams of green and red light. Joey seemed full of confidence as things were finally going good for him and he couldnt have done it without Yugi and Grandpa's help and training. "Baby Dragon, transform intoooo Thousand Dragon!" He announced. Jaden was fully amazed of the move that was done and was bouncing in place from where he was at what he noticed would happen next. Thousand Dragon is Baby Dragon, a thousand years old. His bright orange hide has turned more of an ochre or brownish-yellow, he's grown hair on his face, and his attitude is one of smug laziness, ready to pounce. Thousand Dragon [ATK: 2400/ DEF: 2000] Mai though didnt look impressed one bit. So now you have a bigger dragon. Big deal! My Harpie Ladies [b]STILL[/b] have greater attack power! Attack it, my three Harpie sisters!" Then she sees that the Harpies are worn with age; their vivid hair is faded, and their faces are covered with wrinkles. They still look vicious, but they sit limply on the ground, too feeble and aged to fly. "What?! What happened to my Harpie Ladies?! They've gotten so OLD!" Their attack points are now 1300 apiece; they've lost all their bonuses. Yami looked pleased knowing this would happen.....somehow.... "Heheh. I [b]WARNED[/b] you. A millennium has passed on the playing field, and your Harpie Ladies have become old and decrepit. Face it, Mai, time's running out for you AND your LADIES." "Nnnggh..." Mai scowls. Joey though still can't believe it. "I believed...! And the cards came through for me! Awesome!! Go, Thousand Dragon!" Thousand Dragon takes flight, looming over the zombielike Harpies. "Attack with Inferno Flame Breath!" Thousand Dragon breathes fire, singeing the entire field. Mai looks slightly ill, watching as her Harpies get toasted. Joey is confident and resolute. Mai's lifepoints go straight from 2000 to 0, and Joey still has 1020 left. Joey Wins the duel. Joey was only awe struck as he had then realized that he had won the duel against Mai. His friend however decided to root for him in celebration for him. "He did it, Joey won!!" 'I knew you could do it!" Joey decided to break his own silence. with slight tears in his eyes. "Thanks, guys!" Yami winks and gives Joey a thumbs-up of which Joey returns with a thumbs up. Mai is leaning on her hands against the card console, completely floored that Wheeler beat her. "Nngh, [b]'How'[/b]! How could I ever lose, to such an....amateur! "Hey-- Mai!" Joey shouts out to her as her card console lowers her to the ground. Mai looks confused. "Huh?" "I tried to tell ya, there's more to Duel Monsters than just kickin' the other guy's butt." Joey states with a small smile. For once, Mai is speechless, listening intently, shocked into taking him seriously. "If you're ever gonna be a real champion, ya gotta learn to care about someone. Other than yourself. Isn't that right? Yugi?" Joey continues, looking over to Yugi when he asked Yugi for confirmation. "Mmm-hmm!" was his answer as he nods, and the Puzzle glows again. The timider, gentler Yugi has returned, and is no less proud of his blonde friend. [i]'I'm proud of you, Joey. All your hard work and training paid off. You went from a guy with nothing but eagerness and attitude, to a winning duelist who battles with his head, [b]and[/b] his heart.'[/i] Yugi can tell that Serenity has won along with him.