[@The Spectre] I love the character, so if she's going to be reforming sorta like they did with Killer Frost in the comics, I'd be all for it. [@DocTachyon] The only thing I'd say about the CS is he needs to be more ingrained in the DCU and not JUST be affiliated with Wildstorm characters and concepts. I like what you've got with Queen Bee and adopting Batman's MO, but the story arcs are more geared towards Wildstorm. It's 4 am though where I'm at, but if any of the other GM's have any concerns we'll get back to ya. Things to work on: Who does he know in the League, who does he like working with with? Take a couple 3rd and 4th string DCU villains and call them his. And is Sun King supposed to be Apollo? [s]Also, with the tags, I think all you need to do is switch them around at the end. It should be [/hider first, THEN [/center[/s] Nevermind, the placement is fine but I think you still have to title the hider. Like [hider=Midnighter] if you wanna make the tag look like this: [hider=Midnighter] See? [/hider] - Ω