[hr][center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjIwY2IyNy5SM0poYm5RZ1JIZDVaWEksLjAA/minimus.regular.png[/img] [/center] [b][code]Grand Ridge Academy - Courtyard --> Outside Conference Room Hallway[/code][/b][hr] [quote][b]From:[/b] Lynette [code]Can you meet me by the conference room?[/code] [/quote] Grant's eyebrows rose in intrigue when he read the message. The conference room...? Why would Lynette be over there? Maybe she felt it would be secluded enough for them to talk privately, or perhaps there was something in there that she was wanted to show him in the first place. But then, what could she possibly have to show him that had to be kept at school? He had no idea what to think in all honesty, but it seemed important and he had no reason not to show up. [quote][b]To:[/b] Lynette [code]On my way now.[/code] [/quote] Once the text went through, he slid his phone into his pocket as he made his way inside the school building and headed for the designated room. He wasn't too far away, so it didn't take him long to arrive. As he turned the corner he could see Lynette down the hall, waiting for him a bit away from the conference room door. He gave a slight smile in acknowledgment as he nodded at her, glad to see she really was there. Maybe he really could get some answers. [i]"It's nice to see you again,"[/i] he signed, seeing as she was one of the few people in this school that he could fluently communicate with in person, [i]"You've found something, haven't you? Something..."[/i] He paused, thinking it over to find the right word. [i]"...Incredible, right?"[/i] She hadn't outright told him that she might know what was going on with him, but she hadn't refuted him or called him crazy either. She knew something, he could tell that much, but he didn't know what. Though before a response could be had, he could hear what sounded like muffled arguments and shouting that seemed to come from the conference room. He glanced at the door for a moment before returning his attention to Lynette, an eyebrow raised in bewilderment and slight concern. [hr][center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjcyLjU1MDE0Yy5TbUZ6YldsdVpTQkVkM2xsY2csLC4w/bluefish-scratched-demo.regular.png[/img] [/center] [b][code]Farmer Hill - Downtown, Near Sucre Café[/code][/b][hr] As it turned out for Jasmine, the cafe wasn't too far away to walk to and she found that she was making good time. She figured she should tell Grant about the short distance so he didn't bother trying to get a ride, so she pulled out her phone intending to text him and reconfirm that he was still going. But as she did, she happened to look down and notice something peculiar on the sidewalk. Little specks of red that she normally wouldn't have been paying enough attention to see were splattered near her feet. She gasped and began to look at her immediate surroundings, but didn't see who the blood could have belonged too. However, she was near an alleyway... No. No way. She'd seen enough horror movies and games to know where this was going. The side alley was suitably dark and creepy enough to no doubt hold something horrific, if there even was something horrific to be found. And with all the strange happenings that had been going on, there was little doubt in her mind that something awful was nearby. So no, she wouldn't go running straight into the alley, that was just stupid. However, she decided she would peer in from the sidewalk, since if somebody really was hurt they might need help.