[center] [h1][b][color=9b9b9b]πŸ…°πŸ†„πŸ…ΆπŸ†„πŸ†‚πŸ†ƒ πŸ…³πŸ…ΎπŸ…½πŸ…ΎπŸ†…πŸ…°πŸ…½ [/color][/b][/h1] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/fc7ae9f1-0f0f-4e84-8d37-654113c23af0.jpg [/img] [hr][i][color=9b9b9b]"I am searching for the bones of your father but cannot distinguish them from those of a slave." - Diogenes to Alexandar. Genius, that is.[/color][/i][hr] [/center] [color=9b9b9b][b]Name:[/b][/color] Most just call him Augie or Don [color=9b9b9b][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Male [color=9b9b9b][b]Age:[/b][/color] 22 [color=9b9b9b][b]Alignment:[/b][/color] The Guild [color=9b9b9b][b]Rank Within Organisation:[/b][/color] Recruit[hr] [color=9b9b9b][b]Birthmark Shape[/b][/color] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/c100f2ad-167c-4871-b6bf-dbae11a95f89.jpg [/img] [color=9b9b9b][b]Location of Birthmark[/b][/color] Left deltoid [color=9b9b9b][b]Magical Abilities[/b][/color] Control over metal. It adheres pretty well to the label. Currently he can move and shape any kind of metal. Obviously this is done with his mind. Anyone can move or shape metal with their hands :P [color=9b9b9b][b]Place of Birth:[/b][/color] Dublin [color=9b9b9b][b]Currently Residing:[/b][/color] New York[hr] [color=9b9b9b][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Simply put, Augie is a Punk. Not one of those punks who are overly aggressive and try to exclude everything from the subculture. He's much more inclusively inclined, and believes that aggressiveness is either a great divider, or a great equaliser depending on how it's used. That being said, he's extremely assertive when he's passionate about something, just not always violently. He feels that it's very important to keep an eye out for new ideas and perspectives. It keeps his world feeling alive and fresh. He is surely a man of ideas... maybe not so much putting those ideas into effect. He's generally passionate towards the start of something, and neglects it later on. He likes to drift between ideas rather than fully see one through. He's the guy who has an idea, then gets somebody else to do it. He doesn't really stand out as either social or antisocial. He can shift rather rapidly, and it depends pretty well on his mood. He's always happy to have a conversation, even with people he disagrees with on a fundamental level. [color=9b9b9b][b]History/Bio:[/b] [/color] Augie's always been a bit of a punk. His parents used to play in a punk band together, before Augie came along. His mum was the drummer, and his dad was the bassist/vocalist. They loved the culture surrounding it, and it's only fitting that Augie likes it in turn. He has played the electric and double bass for most of his life, and one of his favourite passtimes has always been to experiment with them. His life properly kicked off when he realised that it was pretty cool to have a tattoo before all his mates. He began going to local shows on his own and getting much more involved in the scene. Doing this, he saw how exclusive some of the people going to these events were, and just how adaptable others were being. It didn't take him long to start leading by example, and helping keep the scene alive by being a nice chap. This was his first foray into his current political ideals, and where most of them stem from. His first encounter with his power was when he was sixteen. He had a wonderful idea for a bass riff. He heard it very vividly, almost as if... his bass was playing itself. Fretting, plucking, and muting. The whole gamut. His reaction was confused, to say the least. Terrified is probably closer to the mark. Being the curious lad he is, he did explore this a few weeks later, after he had figured out what the fuck was going on. He never used it while actually playing, but it was very helpful when he was trying to learn songs by ear. He decided to keep it hidden from all but his band's new rhythm guitarist, Mal, who he got along with pretty well. After fiddling with his newfound powers for a while, he was approached by a member of the Dark Shadow. He had just been to the music shop with Mal. He'd bought a new flanger pedal that he wanted to fuck around with. The agent told him that there were more like him, and they were looking for recruits. His interest died when the agent said that it set him above others, and that he deserves to be able to hold it over the weaker species. He broke that guy's nose then and there. Plus, he didn't have time for edgy teenagers with superpowers. His band were starting to get gigs rolling in, and things were looking up for music. Naturally, he wanted to focus on this. This stopped when Mal died. He was killed in a drink driving accident after a gig that Augie hadn't been able to go to because of coursework. They tried to fill the hole, but Augie was very hostile to anyone that tried to step in, to the point where some people wouldn't even get past the auditions without getting tired of him. One of his bandmates put a stop to this by giving him a wake up call. Literally a wake up call. Augie was late for a rehersal because he slept in. They ended up having a serious chat, and Augie decided he'd move to New York in an attempt to pull himself together. He had his own apartment, and was freelancing as a bassist for any band that wanted one. Playing five nights a week sometimes. He had a day job doing deliveries for a popular pizza restaurant, too. Pretty soon after moving to NY he was approached by a guildmember, who explained their side of magic. He agreed with this much more, and here we find him. Working one job he loves, one he dislikes, and part of an orginisation that had been around longer than anything Augie cared to think about.[hr] [color=9b9b9b]Relationships[/color] [color=9b9b9b][b]Name:[/b] [/color]Aloysius [color=9b9b9b][b]Relationship:[/b] [/color]Hates [color=9b9b9b][b]Characters opinion of them:[/b][/color] From what I've heard, this is the cunt that thinks he's better than everyone else. Who the fuck does he is? No doubt he'd fuck me up in a fight, but I don't really give a shit about that. His quality in a fight does not even remotely govern his quality as a person, and if he thinks it does then he's even more of a fuckwit than I thought. [color=9b9b9b][b]Name:[/b][/color] Aliira [color=9b9b9b][b]Relationship[/b] [/color]Acquaintances [color=9b9b9b][b]Characters opinion of them:[/b] [/color]Pshhh... she's fucking hilarious. Naivety really does make me laugh. I really can't believe someone has got to twenty seven without accepting that there's any evil in the world. When she falls she'll fall hard. [color=9b9b9b][b]Name:[/b] [/color]Salem [color=9b9b9b][b]Relationship (Bold as needed):[/b][/color] Acquaintances [color=9b9b9b][b]Characters opinion of them:[/b][/color] Don't really know much about her, but she seems like she's got her head on straight for leading. I'd hate to be in her position, though. Running something like this would take up so much time. [color=9b9b9b][b]Name:[/b] [/color]Zeke [color=9b9b9b][b]Relationship:[/b][/color] Friends [color=9b9b9b][b]Characters opinion of them:[/b] [/color]Zeke is cool. The real Zeke, not his other personality. Seems like a good old mate. Probably one of two people who I genuinely like here. [color=9b9b9b][b]Name:[/b][/color] Elizabeth [color=9b9b9b][b]Relationship:[/b][/color] Friends [color=9b9b9b][b]Characters opinion of them:[/b][/color] Lizzie's the other person who I think I can get along with. She's a lot of fun to be around, and I do like how she doesn't really care about a lot of shit. Kinda wish I'd loosen up and do that sometime, too. [color=9b9b9b][b]Name:[/b][/color] David [color=9b9b9b][b]Relationship:[/b][/color] Acquaintances, Cold [color=9b9b9b][b]Characters opinion of them:[/b][/color] Dunno much about this guy, but he seems kinda self absorbed. To be totally honest, I don't like his attitude towards pretty much everything. I guess there's probably a reason for it though. [color=9b9b9b][b]Name:[/b][/color] Nicola [color=9b9b9b][b]Relationship:[/b][/color] Acquaintances, Likes [color=9b9b9b][b]Characters opinion of them:[/b][/color] She's kinda secretive about things which I guess is kinda cool. I like her no-shit attitude. It's refreshing and kinda funny at times