[center][IMG]http://i63.tinypic.com/20q1axh.png[/IMG] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180511/ec89301787225d3695d64f8adecf2bf4.png[/img][hr][/center][color=88A0B8]"So read pages one-hundred and twenty-two through pages one hundred and forty-five in your anthology book for next week."[/color] The professor said, writing down the numbers on the whiteboard. His freshmen class was full of lazy yet malleable minds which was how Kennedy saw himself as his eyes panned the room. Their blank stares blinked back at him as they jotted down their assignment, ready for the weekend ahead of them. [color=88A0B8]"Alright, that's it for today. See you all on Monday, have a good weekend."[/color] Ken said as he waved his class goodbye. As his students began piling out there was one left, sitting in the back corner of the room that stood and spoke when Kennedy was almost out of the room, halting him in his place under the door frame. "Professor Glass?" [color=88A0B8]"Hmm?"[/color] Kennedy hummed. [color=88A0B8]"What's up?"[/color] "I... I... There's something I need you to know." They stuttered. "D-don't stay too late tonight." Kennedy paused for a moment, squinting his eyes as he tried to connect the dots to what the student was attempting to say to him. [color=88A0B8]"Oh, I won't. My office hours are only for two hours at most tonight. We professors got to have weekend too, right?"[/color] A chuckle escaped his lips as a nervous one slipped out of his students mouth. "Ah... Yeah." She bowed to her teacher awkwardly and nervously as she tightened her grip on her backpack. "Well... Have... A good weekend." [color=88A0B8]"Thank you, you too."[/color] The night went on as Kennedy shuffled papers around his desk, attempting to grade whatever essays he had left of his [i]Books and Movies: Connection[/i] class which was an analysis of popular books which turned into movies and the impact it had on literature as a whole. It wasn't his choice to teach it, but the department wanted to give students a chance to dive into pop-culture and it was a popular class because they got to watch movies for half the time and for homework. As he went through the essays with his red marker in hand, his phone vibrated, his fiance sending him a cute text telling him of their plans for the night. [color=88A0B8]"I'll be at Romero's in about thirty minutes, I promise."[/color] Ken mumbled as he text her his reply. He was already late by an hour, having stayed longer than he expected, but Kennedy wanted to get as much grading done as possible so his weekend could be much more free without having to worry about grading them then. That's when it hit him, what his student had told him before leaving his last class. [color=88A0B8]"What did she mean?"[/color] His bit his lip as he tapped his red marker on his desk, questioning and replaying that moment in his head over and over. Shrugging it off once again, he began reading the essay before him, until there was a few shadows in the hallway before the lights shut off in the office. It was a minute before anxiety and nervousness rose in his body as the lights did turn off by themselves when no one was in the room, but something about this moment and the thought of his student lingered in his head and made the situation different than usual. Standing from his desk he wandered to the hallway, peeking his head out into the dark halls. [color=88A0B8]"Hello, anyone there?"[/color] The professor said, as dead silence replied back. Kennedy swore there were other professors no more than ten minutes ago, which they often stayed in their offices til half past midnight. Just as he was turning around back into his office he heard something roll over to his feet. Trying his best to examine the object from afar, he squinted his eyes staring at the small, circular metal ball. There was a red light and it began beeping, triggering something in Kennedy to kick it back down the hall. A bright flash boomed as it flew in the air down three doors, blinding Kennedy, causing the anxiety in his blood to become panic and adrenaline. Why the hell was there some sort of flash grenade in the hallway? As his eyesight blurred he heard more and more footsteps coming around him, knowing what was happening. Kennedy thought he had things under control, he thought that he was safe. The professor told no one, not even his fiance, so how in the hell was he in this situation that he never expected? Anger began mixing in with his adrenaline as Kennedy began clenching his fists. Lights began shining through the creases of his hands as his breath began getting quicker and heavier, until a wild roar was let out along with the unclenching of his fists which shot out some sort of wave of energy and burst of light around him, similar to the flash grenade that was rolled at him. The man heard grunts and bodies fall as the blurry and fuzziness of his dazed eyes began focusing in on what was really happening. They were always rumors and nothing more. Kennedy thought he was safe from Paragon, but obviously he was dead wrong. It wasn't until a few sandbags hit him in the chest and a dart pierced his shoulder that he figured just how screwed he was.[center][hr][/center][color=88A0B8]"Has it really been two years to this day?"[/color] Kennedy said as he stood from his therapists chair. [color=88A0B8]"Feels like I've been here for more than that."[/color] "Well that concludes this session, Professor." [color=88A0B8]"Thanks, doc."[/color] Kennedy said, waving his therapist goodbye with a bow. [color=88A0B8]"Until next time."[/color] Kennedy was led out the room by two burly, rough and tough orderlies who could probably take him out in one flick of the wrist, smirking as he strutted through the halls. [color=88A0B8]"You know, with it being my two year anniversary I think I should get a chance to take off this collar. I mean, it's pretty unfitting."[/color] He gave his orderlies a cheeky wink, knowing the effects of his charm weren't working one bit. [color=88A0B8]"Thought I'd ask at least."[/color] The both grunted as they returned the professor a common room where other patients waited their turn with the doctors of whatever hospital or psych ward they were in. [color=88A0B8]"Guess that's a no then?"[/color] Kennedy said, trying one last time. [color=88A0B8]"How about a special dinner?"[/color] "If you don't shut up, we're going to throw you into your room so you can have some alone time." The orderly with the dirty blonde hair said, finally breaking his silence. "How about that?" [color=88A0B8]"Oh."[/color] Ken muttered, [color=88A0B8]"I think I'd rather stay here with the others then..."[/color] "That's what I thought. Now sit down and shut up."