~[@Dealdric]~ [quote=Sealenne][color=39b54a]"Well, Bart, all I need to know is what you want me to do, and if you have a forge here. Then, I'll be working like no tomorrow. Besides, the place still needs a little work and the doors look like they could be reinforced."[/color][/quote] "[color=f26522]Oh we have a furnace at the back. It's behind this guild along with the armory. You can take a look at it if you'd like. The Dwarves built it, err... repaired it for us as a payment.[/color]" Bart replied. "[color=f26522]Although, we don't exactly have anything to forge or materials to use for forging. We just started out after all so it's going to take a while before we actually fill up our inventory.[/color]" He continued. "[color=f26522]Right now, we just complete requests and hope we get something nifty in return.[/color]" "[color=f26522]Well, I hope you enjoy your stay here. If you want to go questing, the request board's just over there.[/color]" Bart said before shifting his attention to the petite Mothwoman, leaving you to decide what to do next. [hr] ~[@Eviledd1984] (LIL & MAR), [@Silver Carrot] (REB)~ [quote=Lily Falena]"Mr.Bart would you be able to give us a brief tour of your guild?"[/quote] After talking to the bipedal lizard, Bart addressed you. "[color=f26522]Ah, of course. Follow me.[/color]" As the guild went about their businesses, [u]Lily[/u] and Bart began touring the The Guild's headquarters. "[color=f26522]It was a wreck when we first started but after a few days of hard work, we managed to turn it into this.[/color]" He motioned to the entire building. "[color=f26522]More specifically, we did a quest for a group of non-monster Dwarves and they decided to repair this building as payment. It's actually pretty recent, you know?[/color]" Bart began leading [u]Lily[/u] to the right side of the guild. "[color=f26522]Up on the second floor is where the members sleep. We had to share rooms since there's more of us than there are rooms. But it's only two each so it's not that cramped.[/color]" Upon reaching Bart reached for the door and opened it. "[color=f26522]And here's the dining area. Behind this is the kitchen.[/color]" The guild master said. However, on the dining table was another Mothwoman like [u]Lily[/u]. One that she most likely recognized. Meanwhile, [u]Maria[/u] and [u]Rebecca[/u] continued conversing up until Bart's entrance. [hr] ~[@Restalaan] (YNG)~ [quote=Yang Bethlehem]"Are you well? If there's something wrong, there's no need to hide it."[/quote] "Oh, ahh... uhhh..." Neil was mesemerized by something for a moment before shaking his head. "It's-It's nothing, Miss Yang." He said as his began to color red. "It's just uhh, I was planning on asking for some help from a friend, another guildmate, earlier but uhh..." Neil made a gulp. "She left. Said her farewells. Uhh, before any of you were up though." He then shrugged. "I wanted to ask her for a favor but... well, so much for that I guess." Neil explained his situation. "But you really shouldn't worry about that. It's uhh, a me thing." Neil assured you with a sad smile. "We've got some quests that need doing. Better pick one soon so you could catch up to those who has already taken them. I'm actually planning to go with Eilidh on her quest. Hope she doesn't mind. See you around, Miss Yang." Neil then went away and approached the aforementioned Centaur who was talking to what appeared to be a male Hobgoblin. [hr] ~[@Silver Carrot] (ELD), [@Restalaan] (DIT)~ While [u]Eilidh[/u] and [u]Ditzy[/u] were talking, Neil appeared with some words for the former. "Hey Eilidh, mind if I join you on your quest? Seems like a quest I can survive at least." "Oh, hey there. I'm Neil." He then addressed [u]Ditzy[/u]. "Welcome to The Guild. I'm guessing Bart already gave you the basics, right? We're a guild that does requests to get paid and right now, we're already picking the requests we're doing for today." He explained. "The board's right over there if you are interested in doing a quest for today." Neil pointed at the request board. "If not and you want to relax for today, you can stay here and sit back. We've got a lounge and everything." [hr] [b]Escort Quest[/b] ~[@The Irish Tree] (NEP)~ You reach Boreal Port in several hours and arrive at midday, the smell of seawater immediately filling your nose. The town itself was quite simple with no buildings that stood out from the rest. Save for a large church that appeared to be visible from any point in Boreal port. It was doubtful that it belonged to the Order as the coastal town was definitely accepting of all kinds of monsters judging from how you have seen some of them peacefully mingled with everyone else. You also notice that the people appeared to be quite in a rush, as if they were preparing for something. There were also some decorations already put into place. You get the feeling that the town was preparing for some sort of celebration or festival. Soon, a person approached you wearing [url=https://i.pinimg.com/236x/ce/b2/b3/ceb2b34ec7b287e300cfa9d779be2d6f.jpg]a full suit of armor[/url]. You could not help but notice that he appeared to have no arms. "Hi Neph! As you can see, I have no arms!" He happily greeted you. "I'm Ian North and I'm the person you need to escort since I'm defenseless because I have no arms. Specifically from here, Boreal Port, to over there, Ambran." He pointed with his helmeted head. "So then, are you ready or do you need to pick up some supplies here or something?" [hr] [b]A God Among Men[/b] ~[@13org] (BST)~ You appear in a large, dark chamber. There were open windows that let the light in but the place remained dark as if the stone of this place utterly refused to shine. You feel a sense of dread creep up on you like a prey about to be ambushed by a predator. Still, nothing happened. Yet. The silence of the chamber was almost deafening but there were a few things here that could distract you from that sinking feeling. Looking around, you realize that you were in some sort of throne room complete with a rug of fine material leading to a throne unlike any other. The throne was fashioned entirely out of bones. Of whose or what was a hard question to answer right now but there were definitely human skulls in there. The throne was large in size as well so one could praise the effort of arranging those many bones into a suitable throne. "Wow. You really appeared." Said a male voice behind you, who had just entered the throne room. He was a young man though older than Neil by about a few years. He had a shaved head, a round face and a figure that was a bit fat. He wore black clothes that seemed darker than the room. "Although, I really shouldn't be surprised. From the way Araghast told me about you, you seem to be a person who likes to stick his head in things he has no business in." "Like our throne room? It wasn't easy putting this all together. Fun though, especially the throne." The man continued, the sense of danger still in the air. [hr] [b]A Strange Tale 2[/b] ~[@The Irish Tree] (MAG), [@13org] (FYR)~ "[color=royalblue]Hey Freyr! I think I'm sitting this day out for now. Don't get yourselves in trouble okay?[/color]" Haley told [u]Freyr[/u]. "[color=royalblue]Tell me all about it when you two get back.[/color]" "Hey Freyr! Before you two leave, I uhh, I have a confession to make." Neil stopped the two male monsters before they left. "Remember those Dwarves that repaired our building? They set up shop in a cabin beside the river where you two are going. Just saying so you two won't be surprised." --- [u]Magnus[/u] and [u]Freyr[/u] made their way to Valoras Woods as indicated by the directions in the quest. Soon, they came upon a wooden cabin though it was not your typical wooden cabin. At least, it was not anymore. The cabin itself was heavily modified with stone and metal structures of Dwarven design attached to it as extensions. However, there does not appear a single Dwarf present. Rather, there was a human man tending to a small bonfire. "[color=fff200]Welcome to Valoras Woods, gentlemen.[/color]" He greeted the two male monsters. Just like with Magnus' previous encounter, he resembled Neil albeit older and has blonde hair wearing the robes of a typical priest. "[color=fff200]You and your guild are famous, you know? You're those people who went to Varjo and made it back in one piece.[/color]" "[color=fff200]You know, I admire you people. I hope my boy turns out just like you.[/color]" He remarked further.