[@PaulHaynek] Sealenne did a small salute in thanks. [color=39b54a]"Thanks 'Boss'. I brought some materials with me in case of minor repairs to equipment, so for now I'll be fine."[/color] she replied. She picked up her pack and walked back to the forge. It was a decent one in her eyes, the dwarvish engravings adding a sense of familiarity. She walked the tool rack and shelves. It was bare essentials in tools, and the shelves had only a book on the basics of forging. She set her pack down and walked to the armory. It was dusty, and only had a few leather harnesses and caps. [color=39b54a]"Tisk, tisk...this just won't do."[/color] she said cockily whilst putting her chin in her hand. She went back her pack and pulled out a simple but decorative hammer. She smacked it in her hand, then smiled. [color=39b54a]"Let's see if daddy truly did teach me anything."[/color] She closed the door to the forge room and set up her stuff. [@Restalaan][@Silver Carrot] When she was done, she remembered the floor in the main room was damaged due to someones clumsiness. She grabbed some tools and went there. She immediately set to work. [color=39b54a]"Thank you daddy for being the only person in town to fix anything stone,metal or otherwise."[/color] as she worked. She saw the guy who broke the floor in the first place. She decided to go give him some start off scolding. She stopped, knowing the mortar for the stone needed to dry anyhow, and walked right up to him. He was talking too a centaur. She was behind him, and even though he somewhat towered over her, she poked his shoulder with mortar covered hand. [color=39b54a]"Hey clutz, try and be more careful stomping around in a room next time. I don't want to have to repair the floor everyday."[/color] she said in a confident and annoyed voice, waiting for him to turn and respond to her.