[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/7amQeAf.jpg[/img] [color=8493ca][h1] Persia Hayashida [/h1][/color] [/center] Persia chuckled silently to herself as soon as the threat was received by her friend, pulling a hand over her mouth to hide her face. [color=8493ca]"Alright maybe he is not the one but one day you will find someone, and I want you to know I am here for you Ru-chan."[/color] she teased a bit more but certainly this would be as far as she goes. Persia placed her hand on the trunk opening another portal. [color=8493ca]"I recall seeing him head to the cafeteria after school ended. Let's go check there."[/color] Persia walked through the portal and out she appeared at the entrance of the cafeteria. It was a good thing Ruby didn't know the inner workings of her quirk or else she'd have to explain why she had a warp to the mess hall. The brunette peered through the cafeteria door window to find the black haired boy scrubbing down the tables. A smile crept across her face, it was amusing to watch a top dog drop because of their ego. [color=8493ca]"There he goes. 'The 1-B Brute' "[/color] [@Melpaws]