[Universe 1] When the Dalek cut off the camera circuits and destroyed her only means of communication, Jen was rather confused. If it wanted to kill her, it wouldn't have bothered with all that. Jennifer looked to the Dalek as it neared her. She wasn't sure a witty remark or taunt would go over very well so she held her tongue and her breath. "You don't want to kill me, do you?" She realized. "If I'm alive, if means you can use me as a bargaining chip." She glared and remembered she still had the gun. She pulled it out from behind her and gripped it. "If I'm alive, then you'll get your way. But if I'm dead, then that doesn't stop the Doctor from destroying you." After hearing herself say such a thing, she found herself suddenly confused. The Dalek had killed so many people on the base and yet the Doctor was also holding it accountable for the war. But the Doctor and Dalek escaped and now carried the burden of being the only ones left of their kind. And in that regard, Jen couldn't see herself pulling the trigger on herself or the Dalek. Wasn't being lonely punishment enough? And if the Dalek hesitated to kill her, didn't that also count for something? "If what I'm understanding is right...you can do whatever you want, you don't have to fight anymore. There's no more war. You don't have to kill people. And people don't have to be afraid of you anymore. The Doctor has changed and so can you." Jen suggested. The Dalek studied her and then rolled away and Jen swallowed. It sensed her apprehension, her fear, her doubt, her hope and it was driving him mad. "I feel your worry." It said and then pointed its stalk back toward the camera in the corridor. There was some static before a connection was reestablished. "Doc-tor." The Dalek spoke and Jen walked over to it as it pointed its laser at her. "I have your com-panion." It said. "I will kill her if you do not open the bulkheads." It said. Jen glanced up and saw the camera back on. She looked back to the Dalek beside her, unsure of what to say to it now. She couldn't provoke it. That would be stupid. It had a chance just like the Doctor. Why couldn't they just stop fighting? She still held the gun in her hand but had no purpose for it. "Open the bulkheads." The Dalek said again. "Don't." Jen spoke up. "I think it's starting to feel, I think I can talk to it and-" "What good are emotions if you will not save the woman you love?" The Dalek proposed. "What?" Jen snorted at the Dalek. Now was not the time to making such accusations! It was new to feeling, what did it know about love? Or was it not misinformed? Jen shook her head slightly, fairly certain her blush would go unnoticed at a time like this. She really wasn't sure if she wanted the Doctor to do it or not. If she could reason with it, maybe it was best if she talked to the Dalek alone? But on the other hand, she'd feel safer with the Doctor, even if he had scared her earlier. - - - [Universe 2] The flirting was, he'd admit, getting a bit annoying for the Doctor. He couldn't imagine how poor Summer must be feeling. Though the Doctor's mind was kept at bay with a bigger issue coming to the front of his mind. Witches. He needed one thing, just one to reassure him that he was on the right track. When they got to the cell, they found a man in distress. Summer asked if he could be helped. "Let me see." He said and bent down to the man gave him a friendly smile. "Hello, I'm the Doctor. These people here, we mean you no harm." He said and put his hands on either side of the man's face. He then began to speak telepathically with the man to unearth what was going on and what brought him to such a place to begin with. It was revealed that the man, Peter, had been visited by witches, that they wanted their design to come to life and that they were located on All Hallows Street. Suddenly a witch flashed into the cell and the Doctor looked up, already knowing what would come next. Before he could stop the woman, she touched Peter's heart and he died. The Doctor set him down and stood up, his gaze darkening. The witch then look around at Shakespeare, Summer and then himself. "Who shall I pick next...who who who..." She looked around and the Doctor stepped forward. "Oh you seem so eager, you smell so new...why were you at the Inn and now here too?" The witch asked him. "You have no power over me!" The Doctor didn't have time for games. "I have power in words." He said. "Let's see here...think think think. Female humanoid...shapes and words. Words and shapes. 14 sides let's see." The Doctor muttered and looked back to the entity. "Fourteen! The fourteen stars of the Rexel planetary configuration! Yes, that's it." He smiled and took a deep breath. "Creature, I name you Carrionite!" He declared. Instantly, the witch burst into flames and vanished. "I named her, it's old magic. It's just a different sort of science. You lot, you chose mathematics. Given the right string of numbers, the right equation, you can split the atom. Carrionites use words instead. And they picked Shakespeare himself to do their bidding because he's a clever clever wordsmith." He deduced. The Doctor wasn't out of the woods yet, so to speak. The hurried out of the ward and headed back into the town so they could talk about the matters at hand. Once they were back in Shakespeare's room, the Doctor voiced more of his thoughts. "The Carrionites disappeared way back at the dawn of the universe. Nobody was sure if they were real or legend." Summer then wondered what they could want. "Like most aliens who invade earth, sadly a new empire on Earth. A world of bones and blood and witchcraft." He folded his arms. "My thought is that they are in fact using you, they're making you write the play. I need to know the ending." The Doctor directed at the playwright. "Summer and I need to go find All Hallows Street, you must go and stop the play." He told William. "Come on, Summer!" He grabbed her hand and hurried out of the room.