Anutha draft boiiiiiiz- [hider=draft] Waiting to be delivered to his new mistress, Mason was both estatic, and shocked, to find seraphim knights breaking his chains, before shoving a blade in his hand. For a moment, Mason was paralyzed; what was happening??!?!!? Mason's trance abruptly ended with one word; [color=blue][b]"Fight!"[/b][/color] His eyes lighting up, Mason planned to do exactly that. Staying close to his new saviors, he prepared to fight back against whatever his now former oppressors planned to throw at him. Looking about, he saw that many of the other free slaves seemed incredible fearful; in no shape to fight. Swallowing, [color=darkorange][i]"I've always wanted to become a hero, if I ever want to truly become one, I have to start now"[/i][/color] Mason thought. Raising his sword high above his head, amongst all of his fear, he mustered as strong a battle cry as he could muster: [center][color=darkorange][b]"TO FREEDOM!"[/b][/color][/center] [/hider]