[h3][center]8 Paths Prison, Ba Sing Se[/center][/h3] [@Korkoa][@Dblade26] More clanging rang out through the sound-polluted air as launched soldiers bashed into whatever surface they found. A few screamed and ran away as pieces of clothing caught fire as a result of Jai's fireball. Many soldiers near the bottom found themselves sent careening off of the prison walls by superheated air or concussive flame, the result of both Jampa and Jai's attacks, a number higher up on the wall began making their way downwards, extending platforms from the stone and hopping from one to another. The commanding soldier at the wall, who still wielded the stone funnel he had used to yell threats at the escaping prisoners, growled, hoisting soldiers to their feet with pillars of earth and directing them to chase after the quickly escaping duo. A chorus of whistles rang through the air as the soldiers called for their ostrich horses. The soldiers mounted speedily, and kicked their horses into motion, crashing through fruit stalls and wagons on their way. Many soldiers were tossed head-over-heels by the confused beasts, eventually only five remained to chase the two, the rest too disorientated by the escapees' attacks or simply knocked out cold through mistake. "Stop where you are!" they continued to feebly yell after the escapees. Many bystanders screamed as the cavalry tore past them, some running back into their homes, some continuing their business, and some packing up to leave the "worst city on the planet", if you were to believe their words. The rest of the road was filled with rubble and not much else, so it seemed that the only threat was coming from behind. Then a guard suddenly leaped from the roofs above, then another, then another, three in total. They levelled their spears pointlessly, but it would definitely be a speedbump, and even with the dispersed wind from Jampa slowing them, the horsemen were by no means stopping. [hr] [@Regitnui] The guard leaped around a foot into the air, flailing wildly as he tried to swing his sword. A confused look crossed his face and he took a normal standing position. He didn't recognize that boy, he wasn't a prisoner. The guard looked around, noting the carnage that had come about as a result of the escape. This boy was interesting, he wasn't dressed like anyone from the Earth Kingdom, but he was no soldier either. He had to get out of here, it was his duty as a soldier to protect people, and if An or anyone noticed what seemed to be a Water Tribe boy near a prison breakout... well, the North pole wouldn't have a city on it for much longer. It was kinda silly of a soldier to not want war, but that was who the guard was. "Upper Ring? No, you need to get out of here right now, if anyone sees a Water Tribe boy next to a prison breakout..." He grimaced. "You'll be hung from your ankles and asked a lot of questions. I'll escort you out of the city, if there's any pressing business that you have it'll have to wait." The guard motioned for Anitelu to follow him and began walking away from the prison. "We're gonna go to the stables, you're gonna get on an ostrich-horse, and you're gonna get out of here, got it?" [hr] [@Dusty] [h3][center]Road to 8 Paths Prison, Ba Sing Se[/center][/h3] Fang chuckled, pulling up an earth pillar to block the girl's overconfident attack. Teens were so foolish, she'd much prefer to fight the old airbender, at lead he'd be a challenge. The first blast collided with the pillar, than Fang noticed the second. She had missed that, she had thought that elaborate attack would be it, but that second blast seemed to come out of nowhere. The pillar smashed under the force of the second blast. Fang quickly took up a guard stance, planting her feet as the flame crashed into her. She slid backwards, her lower arms screaming in pain as they were scorched. Better them than her face she supposed, breathing deeply as her arms seethed, her gauntlets glowing as a result of the heat. She had underestimated this one, all firebenders were dangerous, perhaps the fact that she was fighting a girl and not a woman had made her forget that. She'd be careful to not do so again. Fang shook her arms and closed her fists, grunting as her burns protested against her moving them. She adjusted her helmet, pivoted her feet, and twisted her hips, getting back into position. In a sudden motion she threw up her arms and stomped into the classic earthbending stance, one arm raised, one arm lowered, both hands at ninety degree angles from the elbows. [color=fff79a]"This was the wrong fight to pick, girl,"[/color] Fang said haughtily, raising her chin at the firebender, though never averting her eyes. She decided to do what she had been taught to do. She pushed her feet into the soil, causing a small shake in the surrounding dirt. She would let the firebender make the next move, wait for her opportunity, and end the fight with one strike.