[hr] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/170829/546da9ebde6a8bf8f4ad21820a4703fa.png[/img] [img]http://31.media.tumblr.com/b5620d22cae1e3ab16e06933d1dd5f06/tumblr_mlvfrtv74s1s9wgpdo1_500.gif[/img] [@McHaggis][@Kirah][@Damo021][@Morose][@FantasyChic][@BlueSky44][@Infamous Auror][@Dragoknighte][@rivaan] Time: [i]11:00AM[/i][/center] [hr][hr] [@BlueSky44] [@Morose] Robert seemed to calm down in Lydia's arms, but still his eyes remained focused on Tony, eventually Tony would back down on his own. The kitten went back to purring slightly in Lydia's arms and looked over towards Jenna across the room, very intently and just stared at her, as he thought about changing in front of her now, he did come to the house for a reason after all. [@Dragoknighte] [@Infamous Auror] Mrs. Walker came back into the kitchen carrying some paper work that she needed to some filing and putting in some food orders for the next couple of days. She'd look over her shoulder towards Taylor and Harry as the two started to talk, she gave a slight smile when he mentioned the mustard on her hand. She hadn't done the trick herself, usually just doing it the old fashioned way and put ice and water on it until it went down. [@rivaan] As Kosara was getting the spell ready she'd hear her phone going off and it was from Abe finally, while working on the tracking spell with the map of the area was there. It suddenly caught on fire, and just as that happened there was a smell of sulfur in the room when Kosara looked back the map was completely on fire now. And then nothing was left just a bunch of ash left on the table, and the sulfur smell was gone. She could feel a presence there but it was quickly gone just as it was there, looked like the demon didn't want the spell to work. [@Kirah] The drive towards the café was uneventful but the rain was still pretty constant throughout the entire drive from Heather's house to the café. Once she was there at the café she'd be able to see that there were quiet a number of people in the café already, Heather's coworkers Miranda, Olivia and Finley were all there. Luckily she wasn't scheduled for work today either, as things were pretty quiet she'd pick up some of the conversation of Olivia's group going towards the old house to look for clues there as well. [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=lightgreen]Olivia Johnson[/color][/h1] [img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m82kymS22v1qhsmbwo1_250.gif[/img] [I]Location: Red Lake Café Interacting With: [@FantasyChic] Finley Alestair [@McHaggis] Robin Marshal [@Infamous Auror] Declan O'Connor & [@Damo021] Miranda Burke[/I][/center] [hr][hr] Olivia looked over towards Robin and shook her head and gave him a slight smile. [color=lightgreen]"It's alright, was hoping we could go and search for her again, maybe even head to that creepy old house where the other killing happened."[/color] Olivia said softly, she looked over her shoulder towards Declan and Finley seeing Finley stumbling slightly in some kind of daze shortly after that they went to sit down at a table that was across from them. Olivia tuned in somewhat on their conversation, she knew of the fight between him and Jenna. And she was curious what made Jenna want to start questioning that Declan was the killer, she shrugged slightly to herself and turned her attention back towards Miranda and Robin. Olivia decided to just change the subject to the whole murders and kidnapping in town to something else. [color=lightgreen]"So got any cool or interesting travel stories Robin?"[/color] Olivia asked looking over towards her friend, as Olivia started to take a drink from her coffee, feeling her stomach growling slightly. [color=lightgreen]"I'd just like a grilled cheese if that's okay?"[/color] Olivia asked, the waitress nodded and walked off to go and grab her sandwich. [color=lightgreen]"Sooo you guys in on looking at the old creepy house?"[/color] [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=steelblue]Abraham Serafin[/color][/h1] [img]https://media3.giphy.com/media/cb9G5fsueTFLi/giphy.gif[/img] [I]Location: Café Interacting With: [@rivaan] Kosara Koleva[/I][/center] [hr][hr] [quote][color=steelblue][I]To Kosara: On my way back home now."[/I][/color][/quote] Abe sent his text towards his niece, the lake was a dead-end now due to the rain and everything was now washed away due to the rain and mud forming on the ground. He figured that he just head back home now as Abe drove his car towards his house the drive wasn't that long when Abe came back into the house, he instantly picked up the foul scent of sulfur. [color=steelblue]"What happened here?"[/color] Abe asked as he picked up the scent of burnt paper as well, looking over at the bowl and the ashes, letting out a slight sigh knowing that the spell was unsuccessful by the looks of it. [color=steelblue]"Got enough to make another one of them fancy spells?"[/color] Abe finally asked looking over at his niece.