Sorry I was gone for a few days! There was an unexpected family circumstance… won’t happen again. I hope y’all are still interested! I was considering the kingdom of Mercia, around the year 800 or maybe slightly thereafter. At this point the entire Heptarchy was Christianized with some lingering paganism, which I think leaves a good place in the RP for supernatural elements. At this point the kingdom was in decline after a golden age in the mid 700s, about to be removed from supremacy by the kingdom of Wessex. Perhaps the overarching plot will be about espionage between the kingdoms, featuring the power struggles of lower lords sensing the end of an era? The characters can largely be common peasants, who wind up in such affairs and become heroes in their own right. So far for names I've been using searches within [url=,ancient-germanic,ancient-irish,anglo-saxon,anglo-saxon-mythology,biblical-latin,celtic-mythology,germanic-mythology,irish-mythology,judeo-christian-legend,late-roman,medieval]this list[/url], focusing on Anglo-Saxon names for major characters since we're looking at an English setting, so many established and authoritative figures will naturally be Anglo-Saxon.