[@KatherinWinter] [@Argonaut] [color=brown] "Understood, Griffin." [/color] Richard nods to his fellow agent before approaching the trail of unknown liquid. He crouches down to touch the black gel like liquid and to gain a small amount of it on his index finger. The liquid had reacted to Richard almost instantaneously and was quickly being purified simply by touch, evaporating into nothingness. He did not need any further inspections to know what kind of entity the creature was. Richard quickly gets up from his crouching position and reports to Griffin his findings. [color=brown] "Griffin. I think the creature that we are looking for is demonic or at the very least malevolent in nature." [/color] To prove his point he quickly swipes some of the black liquid and presents it to the other agent only for it to evaporate into nothingness in front of Griffin's eyes. [color=brown] "Did you see the reaction? Only demonic or malevolent things react this way when I touch them but nothing this quick. I've dealt with my fair share of minor demons and malevolent entities, but this thing is different. We [u]need[/u] to locate it soon." [/color] Richard was panicking slightly. Whatever this entity was, it was stronger than anything he had faced before.