[center][h1]Jenramo Ventri[/h1][/center] [hr][hr] Jenramo looked to Jing as he spoke to him, "Perhaps some day one of the blows will kill me, but it wasn't today." he grinned at his old friend, "I'll be careful, you'd be lost without a decent smith." He chuckled as he spoke, but soon the laughter halted as they spoke of what to do next. A patriarch of the snakemen, while it wasn't their concern Jenramo was already feeling quite resolute about the whole situation, his whole goal was to slay the powerful beasts and rid this world of that pain. Jenramo held his head high as he spoke, "A grand foe will always meet a grand end, I will press on as long as it takes," Jenramo could tell that the others in the group were of a like mind, none here would say to back away and allow such beast to roam freely among the living, they were the sort to put forth that kind of kindness, even the mages, he sometimes felt as though he were too harsh on them, too distant, most of them seemed fine, but he could never tell, still, a level of trust had to be maintained, and that it would.