Goku rotated his shoulder looking up at Kinoko with a bright grin, it seemed she was all warmed up and judging by Vegeta's expression he was tired of holding back. With a grin Goku brought his arms to his side before a burst of power erupted from him, his ki flowing out of his body before his hair grew much longer running down his back, the rocks in the area seemed to levitate as his power filled the area, craters forming in the earth around him as his energy danced wildly before quickly containing itself in his form. A small smirk formed on Goku's face as he went Super Saiyan three, he looked at his hands flexing his fingers a few times before glancing over at Vegeta. Vegeta seemed to scoff and went Super Saiyan two his power bursting out of his body destroying a nearby cliff in the process, he leaned his head to the side cracking his neck before lifting into the air, Goku rising up with him as they both floated in front of Kinoko. With a smile Goku got into stance and Vegeta kept his arms crossed his gaze moving to Kinoko since they seemed to be finally getting into things. "I'm done holding back," Vegeta said his hair taking on a blue color. Goku glanced over at him as the ground under him caved in under the immense pressure of his Ki, he spread his legs getting into stance as he eyed Kinoko, it was more than likely a bit of overkill to go this far but Vegeta seemed done playing around, if Kinoko had enough time to smile and call out to them she was clearly ready for a proper battle. "Kakarot we're beginning for real," Vegeta said. "Get your act together." Goku glanced at Vegeta then back at Kinoko, closing his eyes he brought his arms to his sides and his hair shrunk back to the Super Saiyan two before he turned into Super Saiyan Blue shortly after, though the after effect of his transformation did a little more damage than Vegeta's causing him to narrow his eyes at him. "I thought we'd work up to this though...but I haven't had a chance to train with Kinoko in a bit, no sense holding back right now that we can spar," Goku said smiling at Kinoko. "Those were some good hits earlier Kinoko, I'm all pumped up, let's really get into it." "Stop talking and fight! Kinoko we're going again and hit harder I barely felt those attacks earlier!" "Hey Vegeta what if we gave her a reward? Kinoko if you can wind Vegeta and me we'll take you anywhere you want sometime." "What?! I'm not doing that!" "Come on you want her to fight all out right. A reward might help push her a little more. We're going to come at her with everything we have after all I think it only fair she get something, besides we haven't done anything together for a while." "I'm not spending time with you and she's a grown woman she can go anywhere she likes on her own." "Fine then...I think Kinoko can do it and when we go somewhere we'll just train without you." It was pretty much a guarantee Goku was going to want to train wherever they went, in fact that was probably his intention in the first place but whatever the reason it seemed to be enough to rile Vegeta up. "Like hell you will! Fine if she can make me sweat a little I'll consider it." "Great it's settled, don't hold back Kinoko or Vegeta won't come." "Don't just decide things for me you idiot!" [hr] Ryo wiped a bit of sweat from his forehead as he finished some of his work, he let out a content sigh and moved his hands to his hips, there was nothing like a hard day's work after all. Though he would personally prefer being far away from the city at this point, because for some strange reason when he took a moment to check on the Ki from earlier, it had amplified considerably, to a point where he could feel it from where he was without trying to sense it. At one point he thought it was getting closer since it was so large, but that didn't appear to be the case, he wasn't sure what or whose energy that was but he was just going to focus on cleaning the floors and doing everything in his power not to think about it. "Yo Ryo you seem nervous you okay," Soru said walking up to him. "Hm...oh I'm fine," Ryo said raising a hand to him. "Just thinking about payday and the bills I have to pay." "Ahahah I see, well try to focus on the positive, like those drinks you'll owe me," Soru said patting him on the shoulder. [i]"Ah...it makes me sad you can't sense these things Soru. Cause to me it's like a meteor is slowly approaching the city...I want to know what it is but that is wayyy more power than I have. If it's something bad paying my rent will be the least of problems."[/i] "I'll do that," Ryo said grabbing his bucket. "Come on we have plenty of work to do."