[center][img]https://s26.postimg.cc/kso3jiud5/534d74503af2cb3943d1cff94b5bf87c.png[/img][/center] Henri was starting to seriously doubt of their mental sanity as he heard their inflamed, arrogant speech. He already had his fun but it was starting to get annoying... It wasn't that entertaining to talk to someone that lived in their own happy little world, without opening their eyes to the reality that was in front of them. Alaira was simply... well... She was a bitch. There wasn't any other word to describe her. He already had dealt with many of those type before... People who think they are always right, who think they have the right to speak in a condescending way to everyone and put themselves in a pedestal as superior to others... It was always irritating to hear them trying to belittle others for so long. [color=ed1c24][I]"Oh my, such a hypocrite! I don't get why she is talking so much if she doesn't know nothing about me..."[/I][/color] He thought to himself, looking at her with a mocking grin as she talked to him. He wouldn't even give her the pleasure of paying attention on what she was saying, instead, he would only silently provoke her. But unfortunately, the little doggy's master was also upset with Henri and came to aid its little puppy. Ironically enough, or maybe it was exactly why they were so close to one another, Athalus was so similar to Alaira. The same pretentious and arrogant attitude, the same irritating way of belittling others, living in its own world of fantasy where he was god in person... [color=ed1c24]"Ugh... I grew tired of entertaining you on your little game..."[/color] Henri said, simply turning his back to him as he continued talking. [color=ed1c24]"I guess that asking you two to act in a civilized manner is indeed too much... Oh, and please, put your little dog in a leash. If she tries to kick me again, the outcome won't be pretty."[/color] Henri said, with the same mocking smirk but with a piercing stare to both him and Alaira. [color=ed1c24]"Oh, but before I go, I need to tell you one thing: I don't care about you, about your little puppy or the college. I have nothing to prove to you all. Don't be fooled if you thought I'm acting like this to impress you lot... I worked in a circus. Being charming is in my nature. If you don't like it, too bad for you. There are a [I]lot[/I] of others who like it."[/color] He said, opening his arms in a mocking bow as he said that he worked in a circus. [color=ed1c24]"Oh, but I suppose i should take my leave... After all, It's not that entertaining trying to interact with the mentally impaired."[/color] Henri said, with a cruel smirk. [color=ed1c24]"It's so ironic! He is acting like that and still, I am the child here..."[/color] Henri said laughing as he walked away, completely ignoring the speech he was still giving. As he got closer to Helena, who was trying to get his attention since all that situation began, he gave her a smile. [color=ed1c24]"I'm sorry my dear. Now that the arrogant little master and it's puppy are gone, you have my complete attention."[/color] He said, with a bow. [color=ed1c24]"Are they... you know... 'slow' or something like that?"[/color] Henri asked, twirling his finger besides his ear with a funny grimace and a chuckle as he tried to make Helena laugh, just as Lyn arrived, pulling them away from the rest. [color=ed1c24]"Oh! What a pleasant surprise! Are you joining us too?"[/color] Henri asked, looking to Lyn. He saw both Alaira and Athalus speaking with her for an awfully long time before she came... They seemed unusually... close... to her, almost like if they were overprotective parents... Henri was wondering if him being near Lyn was the reason for all that... [color=ed1c24]"I didn't know I was so popular with the ladies!"[/color] He said, laughing, before he turned to Lyn with a serious expression. [color=ed1c24]"My dear Lyn, Athalus and you seem to be very close to one another... Can I ask you to say something to him for me? I grew tired of speaking with him. It's just like speaking with a door..."[/color] Henri said, looking to her with the same fox like expression he always had. [color=ed1c24]"Tell him to stay away from me. If he doesn't, he would do better to watch his back..."[/color] Henri said, suddenly his expression changing radically to a much more darker one, with piercing eyes. [color=ed1c24]"Aah~ But now that the problems are gone, we should talk about other things, right? It would be rude of me to not give my full attention to those two stunning beauties next to me. I guess I really am a lucky guy, after all."[/color] He said, with his expression changing to normal in the blink of an eye. [color=ed1c24]"Helena my dear, would you mind including one more to have fun with us?"[/color] He asked, with a suggestive wink to Lyn and looking to Helena with a mischievous smile as he knew Lyn would be flustered by what he said. [color=ed1c24]"So with that Ladies, I am all yours. Where are we going?"[/color] He asked with a laugh.