[hr] [center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/d27ab5e7-ae00-4588-bcef-305ed7c8427f.png[/img][/center] [sub][@Surtr Inc][/sub] [code]Sucre Cafe[/code] [hr] Paige almost jumped when Kimberly spoke to her. Obviously, she shouldn't have - someone would bring her her drink pretty soon, of course - but she'd been so lost in thought that she'd almost entirely forgotten about the latte. Paige grinned at her own obliviousness as she turned to face Kimberly. "Thanks" was her reply to the first thing Kimberly said, taking the coffee as she did so. She had been about to say something like 'Sorry, I didn't hear you, I was thinking' when the other girl spoke again. "Yeah, it's been pretty good so far. I prefer a smaller place like this to the city," Paige said. That was all true. Here in Farmer Hill, Paige didn't have to be somewhere every second minute, it was quieter, and best of all, [i]there were no crazy fucking heroin-addicted loons firing fucking guns at innocent fucking people.[/i] Yeah, that was a real upside. Not considering it the wisest of plans to voice her full opinion, Paige simply frowned briefly, and said "I like the quiet, and the scenery." Paige had just noticed the shape on Kimberly's forehead. It seemed to be a design, like the mark on Paige's back. It was weird - Kimberly had never struck Paige as the type to get a tattoo, and the forehead was hardly a typical place to get one either way. To make matters stranger, no one else seemed to be paying it any notice, despite it being so blatantly and strangely positioned. Even Kimberly herself didn't seem particularly aware of it, as one would expect with a new tattoo - when Paige had gotten her first one, her normal one, she'd totally avoided wearing any kind of coat or jacket, even in the cold, just to make sure it was visible, for three weeks straight. In short, it seemed that the same thing that had happened to Paige had happened to Kimberly. It didn't seem smart to mention any of this. It must have been some kind of illusion or hallucination, there was no other logical explanation. As for [i]illogical[/i] explanations, well, Paige was no conspiracy theorist. The supernatural held no interest for her, and it seemed foolish to use it to explain something which was more likely an issue with her health. Still, a part of her knew this wasn't a hallucination. This simply wasn't the kind of thing people see. Paige realised that she had unintentionally assumed a troubled expression. Kimberly, being Kimberly, would probably pick up on this pretty fast, so Paige decided just to answer the question before it was asked. "Sorry, I'm a bit out of sorts right now. I've just... got some things I need to think over. Don't worry about it." [i]What the hell was going on?[/i]