[b][center][h2]Paige Kennedy[/h2][/center][/b] Paige’s mind floated as the ambulance bounced along. Her condition wasn’t life threatening so they weren’t running the sirens. However, she was tired and getting very sleepy. When she was a kid she could remember hitting her head playing dodgeball and her mother being afraid to let her take a nap afterwards for fear she wouldn’t wake up. The EMT assured her that was just an old wives’ tale and if she wanted, she could doze until they made it to Sol Memorial. Still, she tried her best to stay awake looking at Milo then at the female paramedic and all the other gear in the back of ambulance. She’d never ridden one as a patient. The radio chattered up front with other happenings in the city and the crew chatted back and forth casually. She looked back at Milo. He’d become quiet and she could tell he was brooding with anger as he steadied himself on the side of her stretcher. She put her hand on his and just looked at him tiredly without saying a word before she dozed off. The ambulance pulled up and everyone piled out in front of the trauma wing of the hospital. The chill of the evening again rushed over her as the doors opened and one of EMT’s quickly tossed a light blanket over her as they moved with practiced precision. She would be headed for a CT scan, MRI, X-Ray and the whole nine yards. Being an injured law enforcement officer put her at the front of the line for anything non-life-threatening and one of the hospital staff told the EMTs a doctor was already waiting for her. Glancing around at everything that passed by, Paige saw her phone in Milo’s pocket and tugged at his shirt as they went through the double-doors. “Call Siobhan and tell her what room I’m in,” She said as they continued through several corridors. “She’s probably wondering where I am.” The sterilized hospital smell became recognizable as they handed her off to a stern-looking nurse who assigned a room number and took over. They would have to transition her over to a regular bed and get everything started. “You look like you had a wild night, hunny.” The nurse said getting her vitals. The woman had an accent nearly as strong as hers and Paige knew they would be getting along just fine. “How do you feel?” She asked tapping away at a mobile station. “About how I look.” Paige said flatly with a slight grin. The nurse chuckled a bit, “This your boyfriend?” She said glancing back at her then at Milo. It was hardly professional, but also recognizing the dialect the two of them spoke, knew it would be received in the lighthearted manner it was intended. “Husband…? [i]Cousin[/i] even?” Paige smiled broadly and even blushed a little rolling her eyes and shaking her head slowly. “Something like that.” She replied. [@RoccanIronclad][@Almalthia]