[quote=@Letter Bee] See my edit, but the main problem is that you accused Aaron of throwing threats after he got exasperated at perceived godmoding, which in turn turned out to be just a misunderstanding; a misunderstanding now resolved by [@Crispy Octopus]' clarifications. The accusation of threats left a bitter taste in my mouth, you see. Add that to the fact that I do agree with Aaron; originating in cold territory does make it hard to build an Empire and the IRL Scandinavians did cluster on the less hostile southern parts. [/quote]I seriously doubt godmodding was ever on the table here so I sure am relieved if such misunderstanding got cleared up. BTW, just a fun note. The former Yelinor homeworld is now retconned into troll land. Troll tribes in primitive conditions live there which is quite amusing in this context.