[@jerkchicken] No worries. I should Have realized Sil would be great for that before. So I just got back from doing some errands and ran a few ideas in my head on how to pull it off. The simplest way would be to make a course correction with my last post. I could have Sil be interested in the dice and ask how to play. This would allow me to have my character show more of an acknowledgement for what your character did in your last post. (That was something I wasn't very satisfied with anyway. I felt as if I should have interacted a tad more). A second idea, though a little more out of left field, is if your character undoes the ribbon Chres tied around the pendent freeing Sil. My problem with this way however is that it will illicit an response. I'm more prone to doing option 1. We can use the gambling as an opening for [@SonofJet] and even get [@HokumPocus] in the mix. Your character could say something to Sil about how the game is better with more people and then both Sil and your character can bug Octavio and Álmos into playing along. Thoughts?