[b][i]Gilgamesha Ascot (NPC)[/i][/b] A wall of floating artifact swords would block Andras and Galbrek's passage out of the parking lot, as Gilgamesha said, "[b]Boy[/b], I don't know who you are, but Andras is not leaving my sight; I have a car and will drive her home myself. Now you can come with me, in said car, and I'll drive you home too. But I am the adult in this space and Andras is under my guardianship; she stays until William himself can vouch for you. "If you haven't noticed, we're right next to a warzone between superpowered kids, and in such conflicts, I do not just believe anything anyone whom Will and Alexander have not vetted to me says. So until Will - or Alex - comes here, I suggest you stay with me." The Artifact Blades begin glowing on and off, a symbol of the power at [i]Gilgamesha[/i] Ascot's disposal. [@Crowvette][@KillamriX88][@Bartimaeus][@Dezuel][@AtomicNut]