[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQwLjJjYTA0Ni5VMkZ0YjNSby4w/jmh-arkham.regular.png[/img][/center] Samoth stood his ground as Gilliam approached him, knowing the inevitable outcome that would occur when one engages him in physical contact. The creature lept back and spat his disdain at Samoth as the latter remained still, staring blankly at him. Samoth hadn't planned to respond to the question "What are you?", and even if he had, it would have been interrupted by an attack from Nasaraph. To Gilliam's back. Those present watched as he was flown across the room, and through the door across the lot to the fancy car on the other side. Before standing back up and advancing again. Samoth looked back to Nasaraph, giving him a nod and approaching the stairs as he requested one of the Vigilantes to block the entrance. He marched with purpose up the stairs; he needed to find and assist Alto as much as he could. All that screeching was really irking his headache, though. [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQwLmZhZjAxOS5RWEpoYlEsLC4w/jmh-arkham.regular.png[/img][/center] "Aram, please use your alchemy to seal the entrance." Naseraph said. "That grand push used up most of what I had." [color=fff200]"Don't have to ask me twice!"[/color] he said, making his way towards the doors hurriedly. He saw that [i]thing[/i] approaching, its face completely mangled beyond recognition. His fingers fumbled at the latch on his satchel as he hurried to take one of the plates depicting a transmutation circle on it from the bag. That guy really creeped him out. Luckily, the approaching Mephisto's student would be slowed, oddly enough, by slipping like one of those cartoon characters you saw in the movies, their feet flying up in the air over their head as they failed their attempt to regain their balance. Aram winced as he heard the crack of Gilliam's head against the concrete. [color=fff79a][i]Ouch...[/i][/color] he thought. He finally fished one of the plates from his bag, throwing it to the ground just behind the doors, and kneeling beside it. He thought of the effect he desired, and clapped his hands together, then throwing them against the ground as they emanated a black glow, and sparks of the same shade. The ground outside the building shifted upwards slighty, breaking from its hold against the rest of the earth. It then rose and curved through the air towards the building, creating a half-dome large enough to encompass the double doors and several feet around them, and would soon meld itself to the old establishment. Sealing the entrance. Aram stood, taking the wooden plate and putting it back into his bag, before turning around and dusting off his hands. [color=fff200]"That should do the trick!"[/color] he said, looking content that he wouldn't have to deal with Gilliam anymore.