The lander's temperature didn't affect Karl significantly but Karl's fear of the void of space was still ever present and he could feel the sweat on his forehead drip down his face and heart race as the lander began it's decent into the planet of Molov. The shaking of the lander did not help. The sounds of heretical gunfire outside of the ship was soon to be the only thing Karl could hear. He had faced many a foes of the emperor, but anxiety still gripped onto him as the thumps and thuds of the heretic's weaponry were getting louder and closer to their lander. "Prepare for landing in three minutes!" The pilot announced, clearly short of breath. "Say again, Prep-Fuck!" The pilot barely managed to spit out the message before the lander violently lurched. Karl barely managed to snag the sling of his lasgun before it slipped off his shoulder due to the sudden movement and tremors caused by enemy anti-air guns. The sounds of the lander's guns firing soon followed. "Say again, Forty seconds, Forty seconds, Hard Landing!" was the only thing Karl managed to hear before the lander was struck twice by enemy fire. The feeling of dread sank into his heart as he could hear the hull tear open and the sounds of guardsmen screaming in fear as their comrades were sucked out of the lander. Oxygen was being sucked out of the lander as the air grew thinner and thinner inside the lander. Karl was very lucky to be far enough from the hole in the hull and was still capable of taking lungfuls of oxygen. The vox grew deathly silent and he could barely hear NCOs ordering guardsmen to take crash positions and take shallow breaths amidst the screams and curses. It was then he heard his superior officer blurt out a single directive to the men he was responsible for. "Sargeants! Corporals! Brace for impact!" It was then Karl knew this was the inappropriate time to let his childish fear of death take over. [color=slategray]'I am part of the imperial guard! Brave men and women who fight for the glory of the Emperor and his Imperium! Fick my fear of death, I have a duty to fulfill!' [/color] Karl thought to himself, pushing back the fear and dread that gripped his heart. He finally stops sitting there doing nothing like a fool and begins to secure his gear and weapons to ensure none would get loose and be lost when the lander would crash. With his gear and weapons secured, he asks the Emperor for protection before he braced himself as best he could for the surely hard and rough landing.