[quote=@ProPro] [@Leaves][@Spiffy][@floodtalon] I’ll ask that the three of you please pay attention. When it was just Leaves I was content to just ignore it, but since the two of you followed suit, there’s a glaring flaw in order of events in your posts. Specifically, I had [i]both[/i] crews dock and get off on the pier. [i]After[/i] that the first cannon shot was fired and then people showed up. If anybody wants to determine that they were in fact still on board their ship at the time then I’ll let you make that decision, but you can’t force that interaction on others (such as Feya accepting the challenge while on board, then touching Slick who hadn’t decided he was still there yet). I ask that you all please fix your posts with the proper order of events, thank you. [/quote] Apologies, I originally had Slick on the island but after reading Leaves post I was confused and decided to just go with the flow. I will be editing my post so that Slick is on the island.