The plot is basically three-fold. First, there is the slice of life stuff with Adykon, Aerta, and Yssil. Adykon and Aerta are a couple (a male warrior and a female sorceress respectively) who have retired to a farm. 22 years ago, they defeated a great evil named Dememoras and have been semi-retired ever since. They are training a young sorcerer named Yssil who has come to learn from the heroes. Second, there is Smith (a half-human, half-fey) and Kara (one of Adykon and Aerta's many children). They are going to be married soon. Smith is learning more about his magic, especially after he recently unlocked more of his fey heritage. This has increased his powers while changing his appearance. Third, we have a kobold-related plot. While the RP is set in the dracon realms, kobolds exist as a minority population. One group has been led by a kobold named Rughoi, who has set up an independent (or at least autonomous) kingdom. The plot of that part of the RP is about building said kingdom.