[quote=@Leotamer] [@Kho] In the next few turns, I am planning on creating shamanism. Since you (Kho) created animism, do you want to co-create it with me. I guess this could go to anyone, but Kho is the one that did the thing that set up shamanism. (And by shamanism, I mean full-on magic stuff with invoking nature spirits, though I guess spiritual stuff will also be there too)[/quote] Seihdhara didn't really create animism, she just threw souls everywhere and it ended up creating an animist reality - animism as a faith doesn't exist, souls inhabiting all things (which is what animists believe) is what exists. Seihdhara did this accidentally, it wasn't a thought-through process. If you want to create shamanism or animism as a mortal practice or as a branch of magic, Kap Gam is your port of call. [quote=@Double Capybara] [@Kho] When is Siehdhara going to clean her hair? [/quote] Oh, whenever the fancy strikes her. She might have even decided that she rather likes it now xP