[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/surGSxN.png[/img][/center] [right][hr][color=gray][b]Tarashima Forest, Eferion[/b] Evening[/color][hr][/right] [indent]By all appearances Tarashima Forest looked like a Japanese wooded area. A lone red torii stood in the distance, corroded by moss and rainwater, as two old, crumbling statues stood to its right and left. The old stone pathway leading through it was undoubtedly old as overgrowth began to try to escape the cracks within its masonry. It was an irony that was lost on the outsiders to the world of Eferion, no doubt, but eventually, the “bubble” would break. Their disillusion that they had been dragged out to the woods in southeastern Japan was a temporary concept that was sure to be broken once they met their eyes on the people and customs of the world of which they had been summoned. One thing was for sure. The sun wasn’t going to stay above the forest forever; night would beckon eventually.[/indent]