So I won't go into too much detail as this is just the check for initial interest. Since all the Fate RPs I have found are either not up my alley or full on players, I figured I'd make my own. Surely it needs some sort of interesting twist on it so I thought... well let me explain. The Grail War has evolved over the centuries, and now in the year 2152 the world is a very different place. Cars soar through the skies, buildings reach into the clouds, and the whole of Earth seems covered in one massive city. Now Servants are being summoned into a world they truly don't understand. While the Modern era of the past was graspable to them, the world of this new future is very alien to them. Surely, swords, bows, and spears have no place here right? But these are Heroic Spirits, and they'll show their strength one way or another. This is a team based war, and is quickly being dubbed the "Dozen Servant Grail War" So long story short it's Sci Fi, with somewhere around Star Wars level of technology, but still Fate. Will probably allow both canon and OC Servants to be usable. Canon Masters too if someone does so desire, can be pulled from the past as if they live in this future world. Also no, aliens are not a thing, nor will the RP take place anywhere but in one single city. So anyone interested in something like that, or at least seeing more details on it? I'm thinking 4-6 players, each player plays either a Servant or Master, not both and all of our characters will be on a team together I just don't feel that one player playing both the Servant and Master makes for very good character development.