With Davis knocked out, securing a disguise and a replacement for Leosin was complete. Now they just needed to get him and Brannor out of here. Kyra looked around to ensure none were watching before she slunk back into the shadows, vanishing into the night. [color=pink]"I'll keep an eye out for anyone who may have suspicions. You two secure Leosin. After that we should find Torus to free Brannor, and possibly the rest of the slaves too. They'll make for good distractions."[/color] Taking her father's bow out Kyra scanned the darkness around her. Her eyes quickly adjusted to the low light and almost effectively allowed her to see as plain as day. Details were a bit hard to pick out, but unless the other cultists were in hiding, Kyra should have no problems looking for them too. [hider=Rolls] Stealth = [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/10409]22[/url] Perception = [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/10410]17[/url] [/hider]